Release - FIO Contracts v2.3.0
Enhancements and Updates
(#8) (#74) (#77) FIO Request Performance, Part 1. Includes initial updates to the contracts with updates that will improve performance when adding and retrieving OBT records and FIO Requests. This initial updates creates a new fiotrxts table and provides an action for migrating OBT and Request data to the new table.
(#74) (fio #84) FIP-1.b New contract action addaddress provides ability to Transfer FIO Address that does NOT have any OBT Records or FIO Requests associated with it. The ability to transfer an address with existing OBT records or Requests is targeted for a future release.
(#4) (#63) FIP-6 New contract action trnsloctoks action provides the ability to transfer tokens to a new account and lock those tokens on a pre-defined schedule.
(#27) FIP-11.a New contract action addbundles provides the ability to purchase multiple sets of bundled transactions in single action.
(#66) FIP-18 Update to addaddress and remaddress contract actions and add_pub_address, get_pub_address, remove_pub_address API endpoints to support specifying "token_code = *" to enable mapping all tokens for a specific chain to a single public address.
(#42) Improve performance of addaddress and get_pub_address(es) with new searching algorithm.
Bug Fixes
(#29) (#30) regproxy results in faulty record in voters table if account already has a voteproducer record
(#76) Unable to register domain in account with locked and unlocked tokens