ppd: R package containing functions for accessing SILO Patched Point weather data using their URL Web Service.
Last updated 2019-07-26
See https://longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/ for information on SILO Patched Point data.
Includes a data frame STATIONS containing weather stations with good long term records in south west Western Australia.
- nearestStations: Find the nearest stations (in STATIONS) to a given longitude and latitude
- getPPD: Download PPD data from SILO and store as a data frame
- ppd2apsimMET: Convert downloaded PPD data to APSIM .met file
- getDPIRDstations: Download list of DPIRD weather stations
- getDPIRDdaily: Download DPIRD daily weather data for one year (may contain missing values)
- getDPIRDhourlyByDay: Download DPIRD daily weather data for a period of one day (may contain missing values)
- getDPIRDhourlyByMonth: Download DPIRD daily weather data for a period of one month (may contain missing values)
- getDPIRDhourlyByYear: Download DPIRD daily weather data for a period of one year (may contain missing values)
- getSCIENCEstations: Download list of DPIRD SCIENCE weather stations - contains Patched Point and DPIRD automatic weather stations
- getRTD: Download 'rainfall to date' data using DPIRD SCIENCE API
- getSoilWater: Download 'soil water' data using DPIRD SCIENCE API
Planned future functionality:
- function getClimatology is in development - do not use
Note: DPIRD = Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia. See https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/web-apis
Note: If you want to obtain current weather observation data or forecasts from BoM, see https://github.com/ropensci/bomrang.