Authentication service for nginx auth_request. When authenticating users, username is used to lookup a text channel in a Discord server matching the username. If found, a one time password will be sent to that text channel.
Frontend used for authentication can be found here
NodeJs 16.6+
Create a BOT and add it to your server
Create a text channel for each user you want to authenticate. Channel name needs to be in all lowercase. When logging in, users need to put in the name of the text channel they want their password sent to. If a user tries to login using general an Invalid input error will be shown.
Environment variables used:
NODE_PORT default 8080
COOKIE_DOMAIN default localhost
COOKIE_MAX_AGE default 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000 (8 hours)
Cookies are secure by default and signed with DISCORD_TOKEN.
The following folder structure is needed for the docker container.
├─ docker-compose.yaml
├─ .env
├─ certs
│ ├─ cert.crt
│ ├─ dhparams.pem
│ └─ privkey.key
├─ nginx-conf
│ ├─ nginx.conf
│ ├─ proxy.conf
│ └─ ssl.conf
└─ ...
You can create the dhparams.pem file using this command
openssl dhparam -out certs/dhparams.pem 4096
cert.crt and privkey.key are the certificate files used for https
You can use the nginx.conf.example file to configure your secure endpoints. Example contains one secure endpoint on that can be accessed using
.env file should hold the environment variables mentioned in Settings
Start the container using the following command
docker compose up -d
- Clone the project
- Run npm install
To start a dev server
npm start
To build the project
npm build
To run the project in production
npm run prod
To rebuild the container, bump the version in docker-compose.yaml line 20 and run following command
docker compose build
I forgot to write tests, PR welcome :)