Just a little project where I try out Kotlin. Maybe I'm going to complete the bot maybe not. I'll see
Next steps:
- Automate deployment to docker on server (jenkins?)
- Write tests and setup github actions that run those tests automatically
- See if I can improve performance. GraalVM maybe?
- Run
gradle installDist
to generate the necessary files. The result will be located inbuild/install/translate_bot_kotlin
- Run
docker build -t translate_bot_kotlin .
to generate the docker container. - Now run the container. In the following command you have to insert the path where the settings.json should be saved.
docker run -v <directory of settings file>:/data translate_bot_kotlin
Alternatively after Step 3 one can save the docker container to deploy it somewhere else, using
docker save --output translate_bot_kotlin.tar translate_bot_kotlin
Install GraalVM and install native image. Add to path using
export PATH=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/graalvm-ce-java11-$PATH
Create jar by running gradle jarWithDependencies
(Or just gradle jar
until the other task is fixed).
Then run native-image -jar build/libs/translate_bot_kotlin-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -H:Name=translate_bot_kotlin
Not yet working, because of some coroutines stuff.
Try out --target
and see if it works somehow with Linux x86