I've spent days trying to wrap my mind over UIDAI's broken documentation over 3 languages (.net, Java, Python and now GoLang) to no good. Please don't waste yours. Use this snippet to validate Aadhaar Mobile and Email.
type PersonalInfoValidation struct {
MobileMatch bool `json:"mobile_match"`
EmailMatch bool `json:"email_match"`
func validatePersonalInfo(el *etree.Element, actualMobile, actualEmail, shareCode string, aadhaarLastDigit int) PersonalInfoValidation {
mobile := el.FindElement("//Poi").SelectAttrValue("m", "default-mobile")
email := el.FindElement("//Poi").SelectAttrValue("e", "default-email")
if aadhaarLastDigit == 0 {
aadhaarLastDigit = 1
var response PersonalInfoValidation
if mobile != "default-mobile" {
lastInput := actualMobile + shareCode
for i := 0; i < aadhaarLastDigit; i++ {
h := sha256.Sum256([]byte(lastInput))
lastInput = hex.EncodeToString(h[:])
response.MobileMatch = lastInput == mobile
if email != "default-email" {
lastInput := actualEmail + shareCode
for i := 0; i < aadhaarLastDigit; i++ {
h := sha256.Sum256([]byte(lastInput))
lastInput = hex.EncodeToString(h[:])
response.EmailMatch = lastInput == email
return response