This miner tool listens to the tasks that come from Swan platform. It provides the following functions:
- Download tasks automatically using Aria2 for downloading service.
- Import deals once download tasks completed.
- Synchronize deal status with Swan platform so that client will know the status changes in realtime.
- Lotus-miner
- python 3.7+
- pip3
- rpc-secret: default: my_aria2_secret. It will be used in the config.toml for rpc.
Description=Aria2c download manager
ExecStart=/usr/bin/aria2c --enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all --conf-path=/etc/aria2/aria2.conf
- User: Change it with the user of server where the miner located
- Group: Change it with the group of server where the miner located
Modify config file in folder swan-provider/config
with the information of the miner, such as filecoin miner id, api key and access token.
api_url = ""
miner_fid = "f0xxxx"
expected_sealing_time = 1920 # 1920 epoch or 16 hours
import_interval = 600 # 600 seconds or 10 minutes
scan_interval = 600 # 600 seconds or 10 minutes
api_key = ""
access_token = ""
aria2_download_dir = "/path/to/download/"
aria2_conf = "/etc/aria2/aria2.conf"
aria2_host = "localhost"
aria2_port = "6800"
aria2_secret = "my_aria2_secret"
- api_url: Swan API address. For Swan production, it is ""
- miner_fid: Your filecoin Miner ID
- expected_sealing_time: The time expected for sealing deals. Deals starting too soon will be rejected.
- import_interval: Importing interval between each deal.
- scan_interval: Time interval to scan all the ongoing deals and update status on Swan platform.
- api_key & access_token: Acquire from Filswan -> "My Profile"->"Developer Settings". You can also check the Guide
- aria2_download_dir: Directory where offline deal files will be downloaded for importing
- aria2_conf: Aria2 configuration file location
- aria2_host: Aria2 server address
- aria2_port: Aria2 server port
- aria2_secret: Must be the same value as rpc-secre in aria2.conf
Install miner tool and aria2
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install aria2
sudo mkdir /etc/aria2
# Change user authority to current user
sudo chown $USER:$USER /etc/aria2/
# Create a session file
touch /etc/aria2/aria2.session
# Checkout the source and install
git clone
cd swan-provider
# Copy config file and service file
cp config/aria2.conf /etc/aria2/
sudo cp aria2c.service /etc/systemd/system/
# Modify the aria2c.service file in /etc/systemd/system/
# Set to start Aria2 automatically
sudo systemctl enable aria2c.service
# Start Aria2
sudo systemctl start aria2c.service
If modify user is nessecary while the service has been started, service should be reloaded before start.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start aria2c.service
Check if Aria2 service is successfullly started
journalctl -u aria2c.service -f
The output will be like:
Jul 30 03:00:00 systemd[1]: Started Aria2c download manager.
Jul 30 03:00:00 aria2c[2433312]: 07/30 03:00:00 [NOTICE] IPv4 RPC: listening on TCP port 6800
The Aira2 service will listen on certain port if installed and started correctly.
cd swan-provider
# Install requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Modify config.toml file with the miner information
# Run Swan Provider directly, or
# Run Swan Provider in the background, and create a log file (Optional)
nohup python3 -u > swan_miner.log &
The deal status will be synchronized on the, both client and miner will know the status changes in realtime.