This project was created to show how to implement a readable e2e test for a project with microservices
This project contains two simple microservices created using Spring and one e2e test.
The e2e test was created using the following libraries: JUnit 5.9.0, Cucumber 7.10.0, Wiremock 2.35.0 and Awaitility 4.2.0
Java 17, Maven 3
- Run UserService with 'e2e' Spring profile
- Run PostService with 'e2e' Spring profile
- Run the feature file e2e-tests/src/test/resources/features/e2e-test.feature
- Run UserService with 'e2e' Spring profile
- Run PostService with 'e2e' Spring profile
- Go to the e2e-tests module and run this:
mvn clean install