A vagrant file with Java and Zeppelin installed though provision, in the correct version, to use with AWS Glue development endpoint
, as this tutorial needs: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/dev-endpoint-tutorial-local-notebook.html.
You have two choises here:
- You can clone this repository and let vagrant install everything through provision,
- or you can use the box already generated.
- Clone this repository.
- Inside the cloned repository directory run
vagrant up
- Access the VM:
vagrant ssh
- Start Zeppelin:
- Continue this tutorial: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/dev-endpoint-tutorial-local-notebook.html on the "Initiating SSH Port Forwarding to Connect to Your DevEndpoint" session. All the instalation and configturation of Apache Zeppelin is already done inside the VM.
- You can access Zeppelin on you host opening a browser and accessing the address
- Acces a directory where you want to start you VM.
- Init vagrant:
vagrant init filipelenfers/zeppelinGlue
- Start the VM:
vagrant up
- Access the VM:
vagrant ssh
- Start Zeppelin:
- Continue this tutorial: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/dev-endpoint-tutorial-local-notebook.html on the "Initiating SSH Port Forwarding to Connect to Your DevEndpoint" session. All the instalation and configturation of Apache Zeppelin is already done inside the VM.
- You can access Zeppelin on you host opening a browser and accessing the address
Link to Vagrant Cloud: https://app.vagrantup.com/filipelenfers/boxes/zeppelinGlue