Gossip framework for Web Services implemented on WS4D JMEDS Framework v2.0 beta3a
Build files will be uploaded soon.
- 0.1: Initial release. (26 May, 2014)
Follow the instructions on the INSTALL file to build the binary distribution package. It will be located at ./target/ws_gossip-0.1-bin.zip. Extract the contents of the zip file and follow the following instructions to execute a Gossip device.
- To run a UDP Push Gossip device:
$ ./bin/udp_push_gossip_device <lowest_port_number> <run_number> <producers_number> <total_devices> <period(ms)> <dissemination_type>
- To run a TCP Push Gossip device:
$ ./bin/push_gossip_device <lowest_port_number> <run_number> <producers_number> <total_devices> <period(ms)> <dissemination_type>