For this early stage the project is thought for working on ZSH + OH-MY-ZSH.
saves project locations and helps you cd into projects folders and configure the shell with respect to the selected project.
When asked for changing directory, devnv will prompt bash code that you have to source to configure your current shell.
The prompted code simply changes the directory (cd) and executes a script file (.devnv) if present.
# to add a new project
$ devnv add -f PROJ_FOLDER -p PROJ_NAME
# to cd into PROJ_FOLDER and configure the shell
$ devnv cd PROJ_NAME # inspect the code
$ source <(devnv cd PROJ_NAME)
you can use the "pm" companion for a simpler notation
It is a simple facility script that wraps the source <(devnv cd PROJ_NAME)
command for an easier notation and a better completion support.
- jq: JSON query tool
- fzf: fuzzy finder
The installation process compiles and install the devnv binary into ${GOPATH}/bin/devnv
To be able to run
ensure to have${GOPATH}/bin
in your${PATH}
To install the project clone the repository and use the provided Makefile's install
$ git clone
$ cd devnv
$ make install
As suggested by the make install process, add the following lines into your ~/.zshrc
## devnv
source <(devnv completion oh-my-zsh)
source ${HOME}/.devnv/scripts/
To uninstall devnv you can use the Makefile's uninstall
$ make uninstall
or remove the binary and script manually
$ rm ${HOME}/.local/bin/
$ rm ${GOPATH}/bin/devnv
Please refer to the TODO file for a list of feature to implement.