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what does this project can do?

  • do lexical analysis for any language if you write all token using regular grammar
  • do parsing analysis for any language if you write the Context free grammar
  • do syntax directed translation for pava language
  • do syntax directed translation for regular language
  • do syntax directed translation for json language

which algorithm does this prject has implements ?

  • SLR algorithm
  • LR1 algorithm

how to do compiler pava language in this project

  1. using json language compiler reading language configuration from files for regular language and pava language, in this part , json language compiler using manually constructed lexical analyzer do lexical analysis, using slr algorithm do parsing analysis and using syntax directed translation to translate syntax tree to json object.
  2. using regular language compiler do lexical analyzer for pava language, in this part , regular language compiler using manually constructed lexical analyzer do lexical analysis, using slr algorithm do parsing analysis and using syntax directed translation to translate syntax tree to dfa
  3. using lr1 algorithm do parsing analysis and using syntax directed translation to translate syntax tree to three address code.
  4. using Pava Virtual Machine to reading three address code and execute three address code.

which feature for pava language

  1. support for function
  2. support for int type
  3. support for + - \ * %
  4. support for if,if else, while, for, do while

pdk1.0.0 preview

what is pdk ?

pdk is a pava language development kits, in pdk , you can use command pava and command pavac

step1. run pdk container

$ docker run -it fightinggg/pdk:1.0.0 sh

step2. look the pava code

$ cat code.pava
int fib(int x){
    if(x<2) return 1;
    return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);
int main(){
    int a = fib(5);
    return a;

step3. look the pavac

$ pavac

then you can see this output

welcome to pavac 1.0 ...
you can compile pavac code like this :
$ pavac -pava code.pava
you can debug pava code like this :
$ pavac -pava code.pava -debug
you can output to file like this :
$ pavac -pava code.pava -output code.par

step4. compile pava code using pavac

$ pavac -pava code.pava -output code.par

step5. look the PVM (Pava Virtual Machine)

$ pava

then you can see this output

welcome to pava 1.0 ...
you can run pava code like this :
$ pava -par code.par
you can debug pava code like this :
$ pava -par code.par -debug

step6. run par code using Pava Virtual Machine

$ pava -par code.par

then you can see the output

return: 8

so , is it amazing ? the code code.pava is a pava code and it compute the fifth Fibonacci Number,

Fibonacci Number is 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 ...

enjoy the pdk 1.0.0 and pre 1.0.0

for more study about pdk , just see fightinggg's blog


compiler for c++ and java







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