what does this project can do?
- do lexical analysis for any language if you write all token using regular grammar
- do parsing analysis for any language if you write the Context free grammar
- do syntax directed translation for pava language
- do syntax directed translation for regular language
- do syntax directed translation for json language
which algorithm does this prject has implements ?
- SLR algorithm
- LR1 algorithm
how to do compiler pava language in this project
- using json language compiler reading language configuration from files for regular language and pava language, in this part , json language compiler using manually constructed lexical analyzer do lexical analysis, using slr algorithm do parsing analysis and using syntax directed translation to translate syntax tree to json object.
- using regular language compiler do lexical analyzer for pava language, in this part , regular language compiler using manually constructed lexical analyzer do lexical analysis, using slr algorithm do parsing analysis and using syntax directed translation to translate syntax tree to dfa
- using lr1 algorithm do parsing analysis and using syntax directed translation to translate syntax tree to three address code.
- using Pava Virtual Machine to reading three address code and execute three address code.
which feature for pava language
- support for function
- support for int type
- support for
+ - \ * %
- support for if,if else, while, for, do while
what is pdk ?
pdk is a pava language development kits, in pdk , you can use command pava
and command pavac
step1. run pdk container
$ docker run -it fightinggg/pdk:1.0.0 sh
step2. look the pava code
$ cat code.pava
int fib(int x){
if(x<2) return 1;
return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);
int main(){
int a = fib(5);
return a;
step3. look the pavac
$ pavac
then you can see this output
welcome to pavac 1.0 ...
you can compile pavac code like this :
$ pavac -pava code.pava
you can debug pava code like this :
$ pavac -pava code.pava -debug
you can output to file like this :
$ pavac -pava code.pava -output code.par
step4. compile pava code using pavac
$ pavac -pava code.pava -output code.par
step5. look the PVM (Pava Virtual Machine)
$ pava
then you can see this output
welcome to pava 1.0 ...
you can run pava code like this :
$ pava -par code.par
you can debug pava code like this :
$ pava -par code.par -debug
step6. run par code using Pava Virtual Machine
$ pava -par code.par
then you can see the output
return: 8
so , is it amazing ? the code code.pava is a pava code and it compute the fifth Fibonacci Number,
Fibonacci Number is 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 ...
enjoy the pdk 1.0.0 and pre 1.0.0
for more study about pdk , just see fightinggg's blog