Set of functions which eleminates all additional dependencies from invoking a menthod in Smart Contract deployed to Ethereum platform. This uses sendRawTransaction method to post transactions but encapsulate all tedeous data preparations and data sigining tasks. Only downside is, having to provide the private key of the account which interacts with the smart contract. Following documentation assumes you will interact with Ropsten test net via, but module should work with any implementation of Ethereum network.
Refer Fund Splitter smart contract dapp (fs_w3jsr) for fully funcational implementation of a Dapp using web3js-raw
- ABI of the contract
- Account with Ether balance (to deploy the contract)
- Private key of the account
- Address of the contract (if you want to interact with already deployed contract) OR
- Byte code of the contract (if you want to deploy a new contract)
npm install web3js-raw --save
var W3JSR = new web3jsraw(PROVIDER_NODE);
retVal = {"error":"error"};
var functionName = 'addMember';
var params = [newAddress];
W3JSRW.prepareSignSend(ABI,_CONTRACT_ADDRESS,functionName,ETHER_ACC,ETHER_PKEY,valueInWei,params,gasLimit).then((result,error) =>{
},(error) =>{
var W3JSR_A = new web3jsraw(PROVIDER_NODE);
var contractInstance_A = W3JSR_A.getWeb3(ABI_A, CONTRACT_ADDRESS_A);
var W3JSR_B = new web3jsraw(PROVIDER_NODE);
var contractInstance_B = W3JSR_B.getWeb3(ABI_B, CONTRACT_ADDRESS_B);
//contractInstance_A & contractInstance_B are two independent objects which represent 2 contracts
getWeb3 - initialise and create an instance of web3js-raw interact with a contract
- in params
- contractABI - ABI of the contract
- contractAddress - current address of the contract
- out params
- underlying Web3 instance
- in params
getWeb3Base - initialise and create an instance of web3 (without binding to a contract)
- in params
- provider []
- out params
- underlying Web3 instance
- in params
prepareSignSend - Prepare and sign and send transactions to network
- in params
- contractABI - ABI of the contract
- contractAddress - current address of the contract
- functionName - name of the function to invoke - only to use in callback function to identify the response
- senderAddress - address of transaction sender (must have an ether balance)
- privateKey - private key of transaction sender
- valueInWei (optional) - currency value in Wei for payable functions in the contract (Default is 0x00)
- params - data attributes of the Smart Contract function
- gasLimit - gas limit for the transaction
- out params
- a Promise
- in params
setProvider - set HTTP provider
- in params
- provider []
- out params
- none
- in params
createContractInstance - create an interface instance for an already deployed contract
- in params
- contractABI - ABI of the contract
- contractAddress - current address of the contract
- out params
- none
- in params
encodeFunctionParams - prepare data payload of a method adding parameters
- in params
- functionName - Name of the function to invoke
- types - array of parameter data types [uint,address]
- args - array of parameter values [8, '0x001a18EaFA0b300247Be05ECE41DE8d78c7B0620']
- out params
- value for data of transaction message as hex (prefixed with 0x)
- in params
encodeConstructorParams - prepare data payload of constructor method adding parameters
- in params
- abi - contract ABI
- params - array of parameter values [8, '0x001a18EaFA0b300247Be05ECE41DE8d78c7B0620']
- out params
- value for data of transaction message as hex (prefixed with 0x)
- in params
getSignedTransaction - sign the transaction data with given private key
- in params
- txnRawData - output from getTransactionData or encodeConstructorParams
- pvtKey - private key of the account with Ether
- out params
- signed message as hex (prefixed with 0x)
- in params
createNewAccount - create a new account in network
- in params
- callback function which accept one parameter (JSON object)
- out params
- address - newly created account address
- privateKey - private key of newly created account
- in params
invokeGetTxnReceipt - retreive the transaction receipt from a transaction hash
- in params
- tx_hash - hash of the transaction to get receipt
- callback function which accept one parameter (JSON object)
- out params
- a Promise
- none / invoke callback function which accept one parameter (JSON object)
- in params
getDefaultTxnAttributes - get the transaction message with default values (or provide custom values)
- in params
- nonce
- fromAddress
- toAddress
- valueInEther
- dataAsHex
- gasLimit
- gasPrice
- out params
- Following structure filled with necessary values
var TxnAttributes = { nonce: '0x00', to: '0x00', value: '0x00', data: '0x00', gasLimit: '0x00', gasPrice: '0x00' };```
- in params