Credit for original files:
Extended luaproc.send
and luaproc.receive
to add table support.
Extended the API to add IO and AIO.
and luaproc.receive
are now allowed to send Lua tables.
Though the contents of the table are restricted to the allowed types, that is:
boolean, nil, number, string or table values.
(only boolean, number or string values are permited as table keys)
luaproc.fileopen( string filename, string filemode )
Opens the given file in the selected mode and returns it's file descriptor, if successful. Otherwise, returns nil and an error message.
luaproc.fileclose( int filedescriptor )
Closes the file given it's file descriptor (obtained with luaproc.fileopen
Returns the value of close()
(zero on success, -1 on error) int filedescriptor, int chunksizetoread )
Performs a synchronous file read and returns the chunk read, if successful. Otherwise, returns nil and an error message.
luaproc.asyncread( int filedescriptor[, int chunksizetoread] )
Performs an asynchronous file read and returns the chunk read, if successful. Otherwise, returns nil and an error message. If the chunk size isn't defined, default is the whole file.
luaproc.write( int filedescriptor, string contenttowrite )
Performs a synchronous file write of the given content and returns the file descriptor, if successful. Otherwise, returns nil and an error message.
luaproc.asyncwrite( int filedescriptor, string contenttowrite )
Performs an asynchronous file write of the given content and returns the file descriptor, if successful. Otherwise, returns nil and an error message.