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1299 lines (1056 loc) · 54.2 KB

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1299 lines (1056 loc) · 54.2 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
DeleteACLPolicy DELETE /acl/policy/{policyName}
DeleteACLToken DELETE /acl/token/{tokenAccessor}
GetACLPolicies GET /acl/policies
GetACLPolicy GET /acl/policy/{policyName}
GetACLToken GET /acl/token/{tokenAccessor}
GetACLTokenSelf GET /acl/token
GetACLTokens GET /acl/tokens
PostACLBootstrap POST /acl/bootstrap
PostACLPolicy POST /acl/policy/{policyName}
PostACLToken POST /acl/token/{tokenAccessor}
PostACLTokenOnetime POST /acl/token/onetime
PostACLTokenOnetimeExchange POST /acl/token/onetime/exchange


void DeleteACLPolicy (string policyName, string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, string? xNomadToken = null, string? idempotencyToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class DeleteACLPolicyExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var policyName = "policyName_example";  // string | The ACL policy name.
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var idempotencyToken = "idempotencyToken_example";  // string? | Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. (optional) 

                apiInstance.DeleteACLPolicy(policyName, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.DeleteACLPolicy: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the DeleteACLPolicyWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    apiInstance.DeleteACLPolicyWithHttpInfo(policyName, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.DeleteACLPolicyWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
policyName string The ACL policy name.
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
idempotencyToken string? Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


void DeleteACLToken (string tokenAccessor, string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, string? xNomadToken = null, string? idempotencyToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class DeleteACLTokenExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var tokenAccessor = "tokenAccessor_example";  // string | The token accessor ID.
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var idempotencyToken = "idempotencyToken_example";  // string? | Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. (optional) 

                apiInstance.DeleteACLToken(tokenAccessor, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.DeleteACLToken: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the DeleteACLTokenWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    apiInstance.DeleteACLTokenWithHttpInfo(tokenAccessor, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.DeleteACLTokenWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
tokenAccessor string The token accessor ID.
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
idempotencyToken string? Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


List<ACLPolicyListStub> GetACLPolicies (string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, int? index = null, string? wait = null, string? stale = null, string? prefix = null, string? xNomadToken = null, int? perPage = null, string? nextToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetACLPoliciesExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var index = 56;  // int? | If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. (optional) 
            var wait = "wait_example";  // string? | Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. (optional) 
            var stale = "stale_example";  // string? | If present, results will include stale reads. (optional) 
            var prefix = "prefix_example";  // string? | Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var perPage = 56;  // int? | Maximum number of results to return. (optional) 
            var nextToken = "nextToken_example";  // string? | Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. (optional) 

                List<ACLPolicyListStub> result = apiInstance.GetACLPolicies(region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLPolicies: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the GetACLPoliciesWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<List<ACLPolicyListStub>> response = apiInstance.GetACLPoliciesWithHttpInfo(region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLPoliciesWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
index int? If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. [optional]
wait string? Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. [optional]
stale string? If present, results will include stale reads. [optional]
prefix string? Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
perPage int? Maximum number of results to return. [optional]
nextToken string? Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
* X-Nomad-KnownLeader - Boolean indicating if there is a known cluster leader.
* X-Nomad-LastContact - The time in milliseconds that a server was last contacted by the leader node.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


ACLPolicy GetACLPolicy (string policyName, string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, int? index = null, string? wait = null, string? stale = null, string? prefix = null, string? xNomadToken = null, int? perPage = null, string? nextToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetACLPolicyExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var policyName = "policyName_example";  // string | The ACL policy name.
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var index = 56;  // int? | If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. (optional) 
            var wait = "wait_example";  // string? | Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. (optional) 
            var stale = "stale_example";  // string? | If present, results will include stale reads. (optional) 
            var prefix = "prefix_example";  // string? | Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var perPage = 56;  // int? | Maximum number of results to return. (optional) 
            var nextToken = "nextToken_example";  // string? | Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. (optional) 

                ACLPolicy result = apiInstance.GetACLPolicy(policyName, region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLPolicy: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the GetACLPolicyWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<ACLPolicy> response = apiInstance.GetACLPolicyWithHttpInfo(policyName, region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLPolicyWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
policyName string The ACL policy name.
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
index int? If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. [optional]
wait string? Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. [optional]
stale string? If present, results will include stale reads. [optional]
prefix string? Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
perPage int? Maximum number of results to return. [optional]
nextToken string? Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
* X-Nomad-KnownLeader - Boolean indicating if there is a known cluster leader.
* X-Nomad-LastContact - The time in milliseconds that a server was last contacted by the leader node.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


ACLToken GetACLToken (string tokenAccessor, string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, int? index = null, string? wait = null, string? stale = null, string? prefix = null, string? xNomadToken = null, int? perPage = null, string? nextToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetACLTokenExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var tokenAccessor = "tokenAccessor_example";  // string | The token accessor ID.
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var index = 56;  // int? | If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. (optional) 
            var wait = "wait_example";  // string? | Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. (optional) 
            var stale = "stale_example";  // string? | If present, results will include stale reads. (optional) 
            var prefix = "prefix_example";  // string? | Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var perPage = 56;  // int? | Maximum number of results to return. (optional) 
            var nextToken = "nextToken_example";  // string? | Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. (optional) 

                ACLToken result = apiInstance.GetACLToken(tokenAccessor, region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLToken: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the GetACLTokenWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<ACLToken> response = apiInstance.GetACLTokenWithHttpInfo(tokenAccessor, region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLTokenWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
tokenAccessor string The token accessor ID.
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
index int? If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. [optional]
wait string? Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. [optional]
stale string? If present, results will include stale reads. [optional]
prefix string? Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
perPage int? Maximum number of results to return. [optional]
nextToken string? Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
* X-Nomad-KnownLeader - Boolean indicating if there is a known cluster leader.
* X-Nomad-LastContact - The time in milliseconds that a server was last contacted by the leader node.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


ACLToken GetACLTokenSelf (string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, int? index = null, string? wait = null, string? stale = null, string? prefix = null, string? xNomadToken = null, int? perPage = null, string? nextToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetACLTokenSelfExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var index = 56;  // int? | If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. (optional) 
            var wait = "wait_example";  // string? | Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. (optional) 
            var stale = "stale_example";  // string? | If present, results will include stale reads. (optional) 
            var prefix = "prefix_example";  // string? | Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var perPage = 56;  // int? | Maximum number of results to return. (optional) 
            var nextToken = "nextToken_example";  // string? | Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. (optional) 

                ACLToken result = apiInstance.GetACLTokenSelf(region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLTokenSelf: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the GetACLTokenSelfWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<ACLToken> response = apiInstance.GetACLTokenSelfWithHttpInfo(region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLTokenSelfWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
index int? If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. [optional]
wait string? Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. [optional]
stale string? If present, results will include stale reads. [optional]
prefix string? Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
perPage int? Maximum number of results to return. [optional]
nextToken string? Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
* X-Nomad-KnownLeader - Boolean indicating if there is a known cluster leader.
* X-Nomad-LastContact - The time in milliseconds that a server was last contacted by the leader node.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


List<ACLTokenListStub> GetACLTokens (string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, int? index = null, string? wait = null, string? stale = null, string? prefix = null, string? xNomadToken = null, int? perPage = null, string? nextToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetACLTokensExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var index = 56;  // int? | If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. (optional) 
            var wait = "wait_example";  // string? | Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. (optional) 
            var stale = "stale_example";  // string? | If present, results will include stale reads. (optional) 
            var prefix = "prefix_example";  // string? | Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var perPage = 56;  // int? | Maximum number of results to return. (optional) 
            var nextToken = "nextToken_example";  // string? | Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. (optional) 

                List<ACLTokenListStub> result = apiInstance.GetACLTokens(region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLTokens: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the GetACLTokensWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<List<ACLTokenListStub>> response = apiInstance.GetACLTokensWithHttpInfo(region, _namespace, index, wait, stale, prefix, xNomadToken, perPage, nextToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.GetACLTokensWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
index int? If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam. [optional]
wait string? Provided with IndexParam to wait for change. [optional]
stale string? If present, results will include stale reads. [optional]
prefix string? Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
perPage int? Maximum number of results to return. [optional]
nextToken string? Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
* X-Nomad-KnownLeader - Boolean indicating if there is a known cluster leader.
* X-Nomad-LastContact - The time in milliseconds that a server was last contacted by the leader node.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

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ACLToken PostACLBootstrap (string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, string? xNomadToken = null, string? idempotencyToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class PostACLBootstrapExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var idempotencyToken = "idempotencyToken_example";  // string? | Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. (optional) 

                ACLToken result = apiInstance.PostACLBootstrap(region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLBootstrap: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the PostACLBootstrapWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<ACLToken> response = apiInstance.PostACLBootstrapWithHttpInfo(region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLBootstrapWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
idempotencyToken string? Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

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void PostACLPolicy (string policyName, ACLPolicy aCLPolicy, string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, string? xNomadToken = null, string? idempotencyToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class PostACLPolicyExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var policyName = "policyName_example";  // string | The ACL policy name.
            var aCLPolicy = new ACLPolicy(); // ACLPolicy | 
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var idempotencyToken = "idempotencyToken_example";  // string? | Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. (optional) 

                apiInstance.PostACLPolicy(policyName, aCLPolicy, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLPolicy: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the PostACLPolicyWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    apiInstance.PostACLPolicyWithHttpInfo(policyName, aCLPolicy, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLPolicyWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
policyName string The ACL policy name.
aCLPolicy ACLPolicy
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
idempotencyToken string? Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

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ACLToken PostACLToken (string tokenAccessor, ACLToken aCLToken, string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, string? xNomadToken = null, string? idempotencyToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class PostACLTokenExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var tokenAccessor = "tokenAccessor_example";  // string | The token accessor ID.
            var aCLToken = new ACLToken(); // ACLToken | 
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var idempotencyToken = "idempotencyToken_example";  // string? | Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. (optional) 

                ACLToken result = apiInstance.PostACLToken(tokenAccessor, aCLToken, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLToken: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the PostACLTokenWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<ACLToken> response = apiInstance.PostACLTokenWithHttpInfo(tokenAccessor, aCLToken, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLTokenWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
tokenAccessor string The token accessor ID.
aCLToken ACLToken
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
idempotencyToken string? Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

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OneTimeToken PostACLTokenOnetime (string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, string? xNomadToken = null, string? idempotencyToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class PostACLTokenOnetimeExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var idempotencyToken = "idempotencyToken_example";  // string? | Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. (optional) 

                OneTimeToken result = apiInstance.PostACLTokenOnetime(region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLTokenOnetime: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the PostACLTokenOnetimeWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<OneTimeToken> response = apiInstance.PostACLTokenOnetimeWithHttpInfo(region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLTokenOnetimeWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
idempotencyToken string? Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

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ACLToken PostACLTokenOnetimeExchange (OneTimeTokenExchangeRequest oneTimeTokenExchangeRequest, string? region = null, string? _namespace = null, string? xNomadToken = null, string? idempotencyToken = null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Api;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Client;
using Fermyon.Nomad.Model;

namespace Example
    public class PostACLTokenOnetimeExchangeExample
        public static void Main()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure API key authorization: X-Nomad-Token
            config.AddApiKey("X-Nomad-Token", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-Nomad-Token", "Bearer");

            var apiInstance = new ACLApi(config);
            var oneTimeTokenExchangeRequest = new OneTimeTokenExchangeRequest(); // OneTimeTokenExchangeRequest | 
            var region = "region_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified region. (optional) 
            var _namespace = "_namespace_example";  // string? | Filters results based on the specified namespace. (optional) 
            var xNomadToken = "xNomadToken_example";  // string? | A Nomad ACL token. (optional) 
            var idempotencyToken = "idempotencyToken_example";  // string? | Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. (optional) 

                ACLToken result = apiInstance.PostACLTokenOnetimeExchange(oneTimeTokenExchangeRequest, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
            catch (ApiException  e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLTokenOnetimeExchange: " + e.Message);
                Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

Using the PostACLTokenOnetimeExchangeWithHttpInfo variant

This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.

    ApiResponse<ACLToken> response = apiInstance.PostACLTokenOnetimeExchangeWithHttpInfo(oneTimeTokenExchangeRequest, region, _namespace, xNomadToken, idempotencyToken);
    Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
    Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
    Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
    Debug.Print("Exception when calling ACLApi.PostACLTokenOnetimeExchangeWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
    Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);


Name Type Description Notes
oneTimeTokenExchangeRequest OneTimeTokenExchangeRequest
region string? Filters results based on the specified region. [optional]
_namespace string? Filters results based on the specified namespace. [optional]
xNomadToken string? A Nomad ACL token. [optional]
idempotencyToken string? Can be used to ensure operations are only run once. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 * X-Nomad-Index - A unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource. On a new Nomad cluster the value of this index starts at 1.
400 Bad request -
403 Forbidden -
405 Method not allowed -
500 Internal server error -

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