The first crowdfunding platform from Brazil
Welcome to Catarse's source code repository. Our goal with opening the source code is to stimulate the creation of a community of developers around a high-quality crowdfunding platform.
You can see the software in action in The official repo is
To run this project you need to have:
Ruby 2.2.3
Rails 4.1
- OSX -
- Linux -
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql
- Windows - PostgreSQL for Windows
IMPORTANT: Make sure you have postgresql-contrib (Aditional Modules) installed on your system.
Clone the project
$ git clone
Enter project folder
$ cd catarse
Create the
$ cp config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml
You must do this to configure your local database! Add your database username and password (unless you don't have any).
Install the gems
$ bundle install
Install the front-end dependencies
$ bower install
Requires bower, which requires Node.js and its package manager, npm. Follow the instructions on the website.
Create and seed the database
$ rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
Configure the API server
We provide authentication through JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and it can be configured by
into rails console.$ bundle exec rails console > CatarseSettings[:api_host] = "http://localhost:3004" # postgREST server url > CatarseSettings[:jwt_secret] = "gZH75aKtMN3Yj0iPS4hcgUuTwjAzZr9C" # this token is just a valid example
If everything goes OK, you can now run the project!
Run API server
After downloading PostgREST 0.3.x you can unpack and run the executable as bellow.
$ ./postgrest postgres://postgrest@localhost/catarse_development -a anonymous --jwt-secret gZH75aKtMN3Yj0iPS4hcgUuTwjAzZr9C -p 8080 -s 1 -p 3004
Run Rails server
$ rails server
We hope to support a lot of languages in the future, so we are willing to accept pull requests with translations to other languages.
Thanks a lot to Daniel Walmsley, from, for starting the internationalization and beginning the English translation.
Currently, we support pagarme through our payment engines. Payment engines are extensions to Catarse that implement a specific payment gateway logic.
If you have created a different payment engine to Catarse, please contact us so we can link your engine here. If you want to create a payment engine, please join our mailing list at
Discuss your plans in our mailing list (
After that, just fork the project, change what you want, and send us a pull request.
- Follow this style guide:
- Create one acceptance tests for each scenario of the feature you are trying to implement.
- Create model and controller tests to keep 100% of code coverage in the new parts you are writing.
- Feel free to add specs to committed code that lacks coverage ;)
- Let our tests serve as a style guide: we try to use implicit spec subjects and lazy evaluation wherever we can.
Author: Daniel Weinmann
Contributors: You know who you are ;) The commit history can help, but the list was getting bigger and pointless to keep in the README.
Copyright (c) 2016 Softa
Licensed under the MIT license (see MIT-LICENSE file)