This module proposes a simple and uncomplicated way to run your load tests created with Locust on AWS as IaaS.
NOTE: This is a fork of Few changes:
- Supports only locust - removed support for JMeter, K6 etc
- Added support for running multiple locust "workers" in a single worker node (
) - Fixed bug to execute custom entrypoint scripts when provided (previously only the default scripts were executed even if custom entrypoint scripts were provided)
- Fixed few typos, lints etc
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 0.13.1 |
aws | >= 3.63 |
Name | Version |
aws | >= 3.63 |
null | n/a |
tls | n/a |
No modules.
Name | Type |
aws_iam_instance_profile.loadtest | resource |
aws_iam_role.loadtest | resource |
aws_instance.leader | resource |
aws_instance.nodes | resource |
aws_key_pair.loadtest | resource |
aws_security_group.loadtest | resource |
null_resource.executor | resource |
null_resource.key_pair_exporter | resource |
null_resource.setup_leader | resource |
null_resource.setup_nodes | resource |
null_resource.spliter_execute_command | resource |
tls_private_key.loadtest | resource |
aws_ami.amazon_linux_2 | data source |
aws_subnet.current | data source |
aws_vpc.current | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
auto_execute | Execute Loadtest after leader and nodes available | bool |
true |
no |
auto_setup | Install and configure instances Amazon Linux2 with Locust | bool |
true |
no |
executor | Executor of the loadtest | string |
"locust" |
no |
leader_ami_id | Id of the AMI | string |
"" |
no |
leader_associate_public_ip_address | Associate public IP address to the leader | bool |
true |
no |
leader_custom_setup_base64 | Custom bash script encoded in base64 to setup the leader | string |
"" |
no |
leader_instance_type | Instance type of the cluster leader | string |
"c5n.large" |
no |
leader_monitoring | Enable monitoring for the leader | bool |
true |
no |
leader_tags | Tags of the cluster leader | map |
{} |
no |
loadtest_dir_destination | Path to the destination loadtest directory | string |
"/loadtest" |
no |
loadtest_dir_source | Path to the source loadtest directory | string |
n/a | yes |
loadtest_entrypoint | Path to the entrypoint command | string |
"bzt -q -o execution.0.distributed=\"{NODES_IPS}\" *.yml" |
no |
locust_plan_filename | Filename locust plan | string |
"" |
no |
locust_replicas_per_node | Number of locust replicas per node. You should typically run one worker instance per processor core on the worker machines in order to utilize all their computing power. | number |
1 |
no |
name | Name of the provision | string |
n/a | yes |
node_custom_entrypoint | Path to the entrypoint command | string |
"" |
no |
nodes_ami_id | Id of the AMI | string |
"" |
no |
nodes_associate_public_ip_address | Associate public IP address to the nodes | bool |
true |
no |
nodes_custom_setup_base64 | Custom bash script encoded in base64 to setup the nodes | string |
"" |
no |
nodes_intance_type | Instance type of the cluster nodes | string |
"c5n.xlarge" |
no |
nodes_monitoring | Enable monitoring for the leader | bool |
true |
no |
nodes_size | Total number of nodes in the cluster | number |
2 |
no |
nodes_tags | Tags of the cluster nodes | map |
{} |
no |
region | Name of the region | string |
"us-east-1" |
no |
split_data_mass_between_nodes | Split data mass between nodes | object({ |
{ |
no |
ssh_cidr_ingress_blocks | SSH user for the leader | list |
[ |
no |
ssh_export_pem | n/a | bool |
false |
no |
ssh_user | SSH user for the leader | string |
"ec2-user" |
no |
subnet_id | Id of the subnet | string |
n/a | yes |
tags | Common tags | map |
{} |
no |
web_cidr_ingress_blocks | web for the leader | list |
[ |
no |
Name | Description |
leader_private_ip | The private IP address of the leader server instance. |
leader_public_ip | The public IP address of the leader server instance. |
nodes_private_ip | The private IP address of the nodes instances. |
nodes_public_ip | The public IP address of the nodes instances. |