Adds syntax highlighting and snippets for Composer in Atom.
You can install this atom plugin with a command line or from atom market place.
Install the apm utility. See if you do not have it installed.
Git clone this repository
Switch to the root directory of the clone on your local disk
Run the command 'apm link' in a terminal
Relaunch Atom. You should now have syntax highlighting for Composer .cto files.
Open Atom application
Open the Install Packages/Themes by click Packages --> Settings View and select Install Packages/Themes
Select Install on the Settings menu
Type composer-atom-plugin or composer-* in the Packages search field and you should see the composer-atom-plugin on the list
You can select the composer-atom-plugin from the install packages and click on Install button to install it.
You should now have syntax highlighting for Composer .cto files.