The bookmarks listed here are things that I wanted to read or they just caught my attention.
- [](Back To Back: Fantastic YouTube channel)
- [](CodeForces Ladders)
- [](Geeks For Geeks - Competitive Programming a Complete Guide)
- [](10 Algorithms and Data Structures for Competitive Programming)
- [](Geeks For Geeks Problemset)
- [](CP Algorithms)
- [](Top 10 DP Problems)
- [](CodeForces awesome CP stuff)
- [](14 Patterns to Ace Any Coding Interview Question)
: Is the directory to upload theory resources.codeforces/
: Codes I solved on that platformcses
: This is the recommended site (from GCP)leetcode
: Problems I solved for leetcodestudy
: Is the directory where I study algorithms and things