Ottoman is a ODM built for Couchbase and Node.js. It is designed to remove all of the boilerplate neccessary to build Node.js apps with Couchbase.
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An ODM allows developers to:
- Work natively with Javascript Objects.
- Rapidly prototype and define your data model together with their relationships.
- Let someone else handle the heavy lifting and tedious tasks.
- Support many different data-types, including several which come predefined with Ottoman in addition to support for custom data-types.
- Define your validation logic with the models it applies to.
- Model your data for embedding objects or references and keep those relationships crisp.
- Provide support for generic finds.
- Support for multiple indexing strategies natively and automatically.
- Control and enfoce your data model from within your application.
- Programmatically define object methods that map to the data model.
Ottoman is not yet published to npm, to install the in development version directly from GitHub, run:
npm install ottoman
Set up your ottoman instance with a connection to couchbase.
var ottoman = require('ottoman');
var couchbase = require('couchbase');
var cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('couchbase://');
ottoman.bucket = cluster.openBucket('default');
Let's say we want to track all of the furniture in our store. Let's create a model to represent this furniture.
var Furniture = ottoman.model('Furniture', {
name: 'string'
How about we create our first furniture item.
var couch = new Furniture({name:'Couch'});
console.log(; // 'Couch'
We can also add methods directly to our models. = function() {
console.log('I am furniture, I do not dance.');
Our furniture now can take an action!
var table = new Furniture({name:'Table'});;
But we haven't actually saved anythign to Couchbase yet. Let's do that: {
if (err) return console.error(err);;
Now that we've saved our table to the database, we need to be able to retreive it. Let's revise our model to add an index on the name!
var Furniture = ottoman.model('Furniture', {
name: 'string'
}, {
index: {
findByName: {
by: 'name'
Now we need to ensure that this index is available on the server for searching:
ottoman.ensureIndices(function(err) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
And finally we can search for our furniture by name:
Furniture.findByName('table', function(err, tables) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
We've now created our first model, gave it some methods, saved it to Couchbase and then retrieved it.
Now that you've successfully built your first models, why not give our full application tutorial a try?
Schema's define the layout of our stored data objects. They contain a list of properties for the document, this can be any JSON representable data.
You can store simple types:
ottoman.model('User', {
who: 'string',
howmany: 'number',
when: 'Date'
Ottoman supports a number of standard types:
- A string value.number
- A floating point value.integer
- An integer number.boolean
- A boolean value.Date
- A date value.Mixed
- Any valid ottoman type, both models and built-in types.
These simple types can have default values specified or default value generators:
ottoman.model('User', {
title: {type: 'string', default: 'No Title'},
when: {type: 'Date', default:},
rander: {type: 'number', default: function(){ return Math.random(); }}
We can also have arrays:
ottoman.model('User', {
name: 'string',
roles: ['string']
And groups:
ottoman.model('User', {
name: {
first: 'string',
last: 'string',
full: 'string'
and arrays of groups:
ottoman.model('User', {
name: 'string',
roles: [{
type: 'string',
permissions: ['string']
You can also define validator functions for model fields:
function PhoneValidator(val) {
var phoneno = /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;
if(val && !val.match(phoneno)) {
throw new Error('Phone number is invalid.');
ottoman.model('User', {
name: 'string',
phone: { type:'string', validator:PhoneValidator },
In addition to supporting groups of properties, models also support referencing whole other documents. Through these references we are able to store related by not neccessarily dependant data.
Example reference relationship:
var Account = ottoman.model('Account', {
email: 'string',
name: 'string'
ottoman.model('User', {
username: 'string',
account: Account
Accessing the data of a referenced document is as simple as requesting the parent document; referenced documents will be loaded by default.
Example of creating a referenced document:
var myAccount = new Account({
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Brett Lawson'
var myUser = new User({
username: 'brett19',
account: myAccount;
}); {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Documents Saved!');
Example of accessing the referenced document:
User.find({username: 'brett19'}, function(err, myUser) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('My Email:',;
// My Email: [email protected]
You can specify numerous indices on a model. There are multiple different kinds of indices, each with it's own benefits and restrictions.
To specify indices on a model:
ottoman.model('User', {
email: 'string',
name: {
first: 'string',
last: 'string',
full: 'string'
}, {
index: {
findByEmail: {
by: 'email',
type: 'refdoc'
findByFirstName: {
by: 'name.first',
type: 'view'
findByLastName: {
by: 'name.last',
type: 'n1ql'
It is also important to remember that in order for indices to be created on the server, you must call the ensureIndices
method. This method will internally generate a list of indexes which will be used and the most optimal configuration for them and them build any which are missing on the server. This must be called after all models are defined, and it is a good idea to only call this when needed rather than any time your server is started.
var ottoman = require('ottoman');
var models = require('./all_my_models');
ottoman.ensureIndices(function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log('failed to created neccessary indices', err);
console.log('ottoman indices are ready for use!');
These indices are the most performant. They allow only a single document to occupy any particular value and do direct key-value lookups using a referential document to identify a matching document in Couchbase.
These indices are the default and use map-reduce views. This type of index is always available once ensureIndices
is called and will work with any Couchbase Server version.
These indices utilize the new SQL-like query language available in Couchbase Server 4.0.0. These indices are more performant than views in many cases and are significantly more flexible, allowing even un-indexed searches.
Queries allow you to perform searches between your models. For instance allowing you to query all of the posts published by a particular user.
User/Post example:
ottoman.model('Post', {
user: {ref:'User'},
title: 'string',
body: 'string'
ottoman.model('User', {
name: 'string'
}, {
queries: {
myPosts: {
of: 'Post',
by: 'user'
Copyright 2013 Couchbase Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.