Parsing and classifying information downloaded from XP Investimentos (Notas de Corretagem) (Brokerage Notes)
To download the notas de corretagens: Login into your account, go to the page of the Brokeage Notes. Select the oldest file. Download it, as you normally would (I recommend using XP format) Run the script
It should download the rest of the files... NOTE: You cannot use your computer, nor move your mouse during the process... since it works identifying the controls of the page, and moving and clicking to do it.
After that:
- To Parse the information:
put the files into the folder 'pdf' and run the script:
ipython -i
It will parse the information from the pdfs to txt files, and classify.
Currently only classifying stocks, REITs and Options.
Wow... there are a lot to do here..
- Identify the Daytrades.
- Create the JSON
- Refactor the code.
- organize the information better.