DeepNest C# Port (
.Net 6.0
WinForm / WPF Ribbon panel
✏️ 2D drawer: Skia (
DXF Import:
DXF Export:
SVG Import:
Also take a look at the WPF Net.Core version:
1. Open DeepNestPort.Core.sln using Visual Studio
2. In visual studio press Build->Build solution, and wait until building
3. Run DeepNestPort.Core.exe (can be found here 'DeepNestPort-master\Core\DeepNestPort.Core\bin\Debug\')
Steps to generate 'minkowski.dll' file:
1.Install vs2022 and also install plugin named "Desktop development with C++"
2.Download code.
3.Download boost zip (
4.Extract it somewhere and copy its location and edit it in DeepNestPort-master\Minkowski\compile.bat file like so :-
cl /Ox -I "D:\boost\boost_1_76_0" /LD
5.Go to Start->All Programs->(Scroll down to see Visual Studio 2022 folder)->Tools->Dev. Command Prompt
Do cd to the place where DeepNestPort-master is location(u might have to do 'cd /d <location>' instead of
normal 'cd' command to change the drive)
enter 'compile.bat' in command prompt and it will automatically generate a 'minkowski.dll' file for you.
Steps to generate 'DeepNestPort.exe':
1. Open vs2022 and open project in explorer(select file 'DeepNestPort.sln').
2. In visual studio press Build->Build solution. This will take 10-20 seconds
and u will obtain a 'DeepNestPort.exe' in 'DeepNestPort-master\DeepNestPort\bin\Debug\' folder.
To run software just copy minkowski.dll to the folder where u have exe, and u will have this project running.
- (dxf export)
- (simplification features)
Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License