Feel++ V109 RC 1
3082 commits
to develop
since this release
- Remeshing support including in fluid, cfpdes and heat toolboxes and added some quality indicators/metrics
- Support for rigid and elastic bodies in fluid toolbox
- Support for magnetostatic in cfpdes with Hcurl FE
- Homogeneize postprocess across toolboxes
- More python bindings eg. remeshing and toolboxes
What's Changed
- Hdg refactoring by @romainhild in #1463
- Feature/toolboxes refactoring by @vincentchabannes in #1416
- Fix/minmax by @metivett in #1486
- VSCODE: limit make jobs and do not configure on open by @PhilippeRicka in #1502
- Feature/quickstart by @prudhomm in #1496
- Patch: fix eigen lapack linkage by @metivett in #1523
- Feature/geim 2 by @romainhild in #1528
- Prudhomm/issue1533 by @prudhomm in #1535
- Remove soption("json") before checking if present by @romainhild in #1537
- Feature/toolboxes refactoring by @vincentchabannes in #1522
- Feature/toolboxes refactoring by @vincentchabannes in #1553
- Prudhomm/issue1554 by @prudhomm in #1556
- Feature/description parameters by @prudhomm in #1565
- add cpr to contrib #1563 by @prudhomm in #1564
- update boost hana by @prudhomm in #1560
- update eigen3 by @prudhomm in #1562
- Feature/toolboxes refactoring by @vincentchabannes in #1566
- Remesh by @prudhomm in #1572
- Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 3.5.9 to 4.0.0 by @dependabot in #1574
- Feature/compilation perf se by @vincentchabannes in #1576
- Mordicus by @prudhomm in #1558
- groovy-boost171 by @prudhomm in #1578
- fix #1580 use namespace Feelpp to link toolboxes by @romainhild in #1584
- Feature/issue1456 and fix debug by @vincentchabannes in #1586
- Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #1585
- Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot in #1600
- Hdg stokes by @prudhomm in #1599
- Features/cfpde rand hdg by @prudhomm in #1608
- add linear elasticity case for cfpdes #1607 by @VLCeline in #1609
- Fix hdg_poisson application #1605 by @romainhild in #1613
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 2.3.4 by @dependabot in #1615
- Feature/meshstructured by @vincentchabannes in #1622
- Add the folder three_sphere_2D containing 3 files (cfg, geo and json) to moving_body by @youssefessousy in #1631
- Feature/functionexpr by @metivett in #1627
- Feature/toolbox fluid expr by @vincentchabannes in #1657
- Romainhild/issue1652 by @romainhild in #1655
- Add support for coefficientformpdes toolbox in toolboxmor by @romainhild in #1589
- fix #1635 by @romainhild in #1641
- Remove bintray from doxygen workflow by @Trophime in #1634
- fix test_exprevaluator in parallel @vincentchabannes by @romainhild in #1658
- Prudhomm/issue1626 by @prudhomm in #1629
- Feature/toolbox cfpdes dg nedelec by @vincentchabannes in #1665
- fix geometry of thermal-fin by @thomas-saigre in #1671
- Feature/distancetorange by @metivett in #1682
- Feature/swimmer rotation by @vincentchabannes in #1679
- Fix/mor benchmarkgrepl by @romainhild in #1681
- Feature/toolboxes remesh by @vincentchabannes in #1695
- [GPL] Delete LICENSE.adoc (duplicate file and incompatible license) by @loumalouomega in #1694
- Feature/python-remesh by @prudhomm in #1688
New Contributors
- @PhilippeRicka made their first contribution in #1502
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #1574
- @VLCeline made their first contribution in #1609
- @youssefessousy made their first contribution in #1631
- @thomas-saigre made their first contribution in #1671
- @loumalouomega made their first contribution in #1694
Full Changelog: v0.108.0-beta.2...v0.109.0-rc.1