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Code Review Checklist For Data Lab (WIP)

Dylan Peinhardt edited this page Feb 1, 2018 · 1 revision


  1. Is the code easily understood and perform its intended function?
  2. Does the code conform to the agreed-upon coding conventions? (code climate?)
  3. Can any of the code be replaced with library functions?
  4. Is there any commented out code? (delete it unless necessary)
  5. Is there any redundant or duplicate code? (refactor it)
  6. Are identifiers named well? (use long, descriptive variable/function names)


  1. Are all the JavaScript scripts referenced necessary?
  2. Are all NPM packages used well-audited and from a trusted source/CDN?
  3. Is all user input checked and properly handled appropriately?


  1. Are unusual behavior/edge-cases described in the code comments?
  2. Are incomplete sections marked with TODO?
  3. Is the intent of the code described somewhere?


  1. Is the code testable? (written in a modular, cohesive, lowly coupled manner)
  2. Was the code tested to assure compliance with the acceptance criteria?
  3. Are individual functions robust in the face of unexpected input?