An API/Service developed to manage interview schedules. Contains endpoints for creating interviewers and candidates, check time slots, as well as scheduling the interviews.
The documentation is accessible via the link below;
Option A: Using Docker
Clone this repository and open your terminal/command line app in the root folder
Run the command below to start app container (accessible via localhost:3000)
docker compose up
Clone this repository and open your terminal/command line app in the root folder
Install dependencies
npm install
- Run tests using the command below
npm run test
- Run the command below to start server (app will run on default port 3000)
npm start
- Run the command below to start server in developer mode (server will auto restart when changes are made)
npm run dev
The following are the major tools that have been utilized for developing this service.
- Shehu-Fatiudeen Oluwaseun Lawal
- Twitter: @fatiudeen_