Stuff to make Java sweet!
The setup for this project has been tested on MacOS 10.14.3 (18D109), OpenJDK 11.0.2, MySQL 8.0.12, Node v11.7.0, and NPM 6.8.0.
npm install -g moar-cli
cd ~/moar-workspace
git clone [email protected]:moar-stuff/moar-sugar-example
cd moar-sugar-example
To run all the examples, you need a mysql database.
echo "CREATE DATABASE moar_sugar_example_db;
CREATE USER 'moar_example_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'moar_example_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON moar_sugar_example_db.* TO 'moar_example_user'@'localhost';" \
| mysql -u root
We also need a config file.
echo '{
host: "localhost:3306"
db: moar_sugar_example_db
user: moar_example_user
password: moar_example_password
}' | moar-json > moar_example_app_config.json
With the database and config file you can run the sample.