In order to install the package, execute the following command:
composer require farmit/rrrbac-for-laravel
Create a Rules directory inside app directory
Add \Farmit\RrrbacForLaravel\Providers\RrrbacServiceProvider::class
to the list of providers in config/app.php.
If you haven't already, publish Spatie Permission's vendor running php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider"
and add HasRoles
trait to User model.
Change in config/permission.php
with \Farmit\RrrbacForLaravel\Models\Role::class
with \Farmit\RrrbacForLaravel\Models\Permission::class
Then publish RRRBac vendor running php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Farmit\RrrbacForLaravel\Providers\RrrbacServiceProvider"
Run php artisan migrate
Run the following command to install the Filament assets:
php artisan filament:install --tables --forms --notifications --infolists
After defining roles and users that have access to the RRRbac control panel,
add \Farmit\RrrbacForLaravel\Http\Middleware\RoutesPermission::class
to the 'web' middleware group
To extend permission to Livewire add \Farmit\RrrbacForLaravel\Livewire\Trait\CanView
trait to components