VueTables is a table enhancing VueJs Component with server side pagination, filtering, and sorting.
yarn add farena/vue-tables
or with npm
npm install farena/vue-tables
src/main.js or src/index.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import VueTables from 'vue-tables';
import 'vue-tables/dist/vue-tables.css';
Inside any component in the project
export default {
data() {
return {
vTable: {
headers: [
title: 'name',
sortable: true,
title: 'username',
sortable: true,
actions: [
/// Go to ACTIONS SECTION for explanation
values: {
total: 3,
per_page: 15,
current_page: 1,
last_page: 1,
from: 1,
to: 15,
data: [
id: 1,
name: 'Pedro Aznar',
username: 'paznar',
id: 2,
name: 'Charlie Alberti',
username: 'chalberti',
id: 3,
name: 'Gustavo Cerati',
username: 'gcerati',
options: {
/// Go to OPTIONS SECTION for explanation
headers: [
title: 'username', // Name of the key in
title: '', // we can concatenate JSON attributes.
mask: 'sign in user', // Title for this column at render
sortable: true, // Boolean
sort_value: 'u_name', // (Optional) Name of the column to sort in backend. If it doesnt exist, we send the title string to sort.
width: 50, // (Optional)(%) Percentage width of the full table
editable: 'TYPE' // (Optional) The column is editable, can be any of these types => ['text','number','select','checkbox']
options: [ { id:1, label: 'option 1' } ], // If is an Editable type 'Select' have to send the options.
truncate: 100 // type Number. Maximum length for a string.
callback: function (item) { /.../ } // send a function to execute on the value. return whatever you want.
dateFormat: 'DD-MM-YYYY' // send a valid MOMENT date format.
dateFromFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD' // send a valid MOMENT date format, if your origin format is not the default for moment 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ'
Action Button you will see in every row
actions: [
buttonClass: 'btn-danger', // use any class you want
callback: 'onPressDelete', // action you have to subscribe in the vue-table element
tooltip: 'delete', // tooltip on hover
icon: 'fas fa-times', // You can use any icon package, just install it before
In this action example we defined a callback named 'onPressDelete', we have to subscribe to it.
@onPressDelete="onDeleted" // Subscribing to onPressDelete
export default {
methods: {
onDeleted(item) {
// the item object contains all the object inside for that row.
options: {
tableClass: 'customTableClass', // Table Class. Default: 'table table-bordered table-hover'
theadClass: 'customTHeadClass', // Table Head class. Default: null
tbodyClass: 'customTBodyClass', // Table Body class. Default: null
checkeable: false, // Boolean / Activate the checkboxes option
inputContainerClass: 'form-group', // class for editable colums type 'text','number','select' input container
inputClass: 'form-control', // class for editable colums type 'text','number','select' input
checkboxContainerClass: 'form-check', // class for editable colums type 'checkbox' input container
checkboxClass: 'form-check-input', // class for editable colums type 'checkbox' input
This object is received from Backend, it has been taken from laravel pagination
More info here: (
@changed="getUsers" // subscribe to pagination and filters
export default {
data() {
return {
vTable: {
headers: [
actions: [
values: {}, // we initialize values as an empty Object
options: {
mounted() {
// call the init method, and it calls getUsers
// (with the corresponding params)
methods: {
// when this functions is called from the @changed event,
// vue-table will send the params
getUsers(params = {}) {
// axios call to backend.
// using the created String Prototype function "paginableUrl"
// we send the params
.then(res => {
this.vTable.values = res;
// res contains the entire pagination object
// {
// total: 3,
// per_page: 15,
// current_page: 1,
// last_page: 1,
// first_page_url: '',
// last_page_url: '',
// next_page_url: '',
// prev_page_url: null,
// path: '',
// from: 1,
// to: 15,
// data: [
// ///
// ],
// }
.catch(err => console.log(err));
export default {
data() {
return {
vTable: {
headers: [
actions: [
values: {},
options: {
mounted() {
methods: {
resetTable() {
// It will reset the table to the first page without filters
To make batch actions you could use this option
options: {
checkeable: true,
If you turn it on, you have to subscribe to the @checkAll and @itemChecked callbacks.
:values="valuesWithCheck" // this item is modified before enter in vue-tables
export default {
data() {
return {
valuesWithCheck: {},
watch: {
'vTable.values': {
let items = val; => {
// we add the "checked" key to every item.
x.checked = false;
return x;
this.valuesWithCheck = items;
methods: {
onCheckAll(value) {
// value = true / false; => {
x.checked = value;
onItemChecked(index, val) {[index].checked = val;
batchAction() {
// we get all the checked ids
let checkedIds =
.filter(x => x.checked)
.map(x =>;
// or we can get all the checked objects
let checkedObjects =
.filter(x => x.checked);
// do action //
You can add editable columns type: TEXT, NUMBER, SELECT and CHECKBOX Every editable column will emit 'editableInput' callback
methods: {
onItemChanged(index, attribute, value) {
// You can now, either store the data directly into the backend,
// or update the VALUES array and send it all together after.
You can use CSS or SCSS to modify the table appearence.
src/main.js or src/index.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import VueTables from 'vue-tables';
import 'vue-tables/dist/vue-tables.css';
import 'path/to/my-custom-table-classes.scss';
.p_func {
.p_func_item {
label {}
select {}
ul {
.page-item-desktop {}
.page-item-mobile {}
input {}
// from options you can change your table,
// table header and table body classes.
.my-table-class {
.my-table-head-class {}
.my-table-body-class {}
tr {}
th {}
td {}
input[type=checkbox] {}
.v-table-tooltip {}
.btn-group {
button {}