This repo contains an app that have multiple minigames including chess and a games of thrones inspired snakes and ladders game.
This project is using laravel with vue
PHP >= 7.2.0 with composer
node.js >= 8.9 with npm
pdo_sqlite enabeled in php.ini
Should be fairly simple to get up and running
create a mysql database called on port 3306: laravelMiniGames or change the .env to match your own server
composer install
npm run install
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
For simple local server host.
php artisan serve
Multiple dummy login available if database was seeded
login: [email protected]
password: password
login: [email protected]
password: password
login: [email protected]
password: password
Some issues can happen while setting it up
no link between public and resources
run "php artisan storage:link"
routes are not working
run "php artisan cache:clear"
run "php artisan route:cache"
pusher messages does not get sent
disable ad blocker on the site