This repository contains my solutions for the Advent of Code puzzles implemented in Go.
Note that everything prior to 2020 is currently in a somewhat messy state. These were quick and dirty solutions that were not written with anything other than solving the puzzle in mind. A lot of days are missing as well due to lack of time over the holidays. I do plan to go over the previous years and rewrite them into more presentable solutions, but this might take a while to get around to doing.
Some puzzles are just more fun to solve than others. These are the most memorable ones:
- 2020 - Day 8: Handheld Halting: Debugging a BoodCode program.
- 2020 - Day 13: Shuttle Search: Finding patterns in bus schedules.
- 2020 - Day 20: Jurassic Jigsaw: Automated jigsaw solving and monster hunting.
- Find old favorite days and add to section above
- Clean the code up and make it properly readable
- Solve the missing puzzles