Phase 2 Week 3 Group Project
Helper Seeker
As a Seeker I want the choice to remain anonymous So that I feel safe to share
As a Seeker I want to be able to just push a button and get help So that there are as few obstacles as possible
As a Seeker I want to make restrictions about who i want to talk with So that I feel comfortable and safe in the conversation
As a Seeker I want to be able to provide context to my potential helper So that the helper is prepared and he/she is appropriately competent
As a Seeker I want to be notified that help is on the way So that I know I'm being taken care of
As a Seeker I want to choose a form of communication So that I can receive help in the safest manner
As a Seeker I want to So that
As a Helper I want to provide personal information (gender/age/race/sexuality/experience) So that I am paired with Seekers appropriately
As a Helper I want to provide my credentials/areas of expertise So that I am selected for appropriate cases
As a Helper I want to recieve a text message alerting me to a possible case So that I can quickly respond
As a Helper I want to be provided with resources applicable to the individual case So that I am prepared for the conversation
As a Helper I want to be provided with the Seeker's information prior to conversation So that I am prepared for the conversation
As a Helper I want to go to a landing page with all information about the case So that I can assess whether I want to engage in the conversation
As a Helper I want to So that