Demonstration of a forwarding https proxy setup where the proxy server requires a client TLS certificate to be presented as authentication to be allowed to connect and have outbound traffic be carried.
- GNUMake
- curl
- docker with ocker-compose
- access to the webber'nets
$ make build
$ make run
Uses the proxy to HTTP GET http(s)://
Expected output:
$ ./
This should fail; no client cert spec'd
curl: (35) error:1401E410:SSL routines:CONNECT_CR_FINISHED:sslv3 alert handshake failure
This should fail; no client private key spec'd
curl: (58) unable to set private key file: 'client.crt' type PEM
This should pass; client cert and key in separate files
This should pass; combined client cert and key
If docker isn't your thing, it should be easy enough to adapt/run on a conventional Linux host