String Python (or stringify-python) is an object-to-ascii-string converter that respects python types. If JSON got XML pregnant and genetic engineers altered the baby's DNA to include python, this would be the result.
You'll have to copy the code until I get it pip-friendly.
Say you have a big dict (or list or set or whatever) that you want to be TOTALLY flat ascii -- no single- or double-quotes, no backslashes, no unicode, nothing...
complexdd = {u'imgs': {u'ff': 45,
u'fl': 55,
u'descriptors': ('forward', 'backward', 'up', 'down'),
u'filepath': u'/path/to/a/file.txt'},
u'maps': {u'america': [[u'san francisco', u'colorado', 120000000L, 1j, 'strings'], ['bond', '007']],
u'ussr': False,
u'this_guy': u'a string \\ with a lot \\ of "double quotes" and \\backslashes\\',
u"this_guys_bro": u"a string with 'single' quotes."},
u'a set': {1, 3L, True}, u'a-tupleset': {(2, 3), (4, 5)}, u'atuple': (u'\u263a', True, False,),
u'paragraphs': '''Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.''',
u'meta': u'holy cow! {{this}}has tags!{{/this}} but {li0}it{/li0} is a string.',
u'haiku': u"Wake, butterfly\n\rit's late\u2011\n\rwe've miles to go together.\xa0",
u'frozen_set': frozenset(['a', 'b', '\\backslash\\'])}
Well, you do this...
flatstring = strpy.dumps(complexdd)
And you get this...
print flatstring
{di0}{li1}{tu2}{un}a set{/un}{se4}{bo}True{/bo}{lo}3{/lo}{/se4}{/tu2}{tu3}{un}maps{/un}{di5}{li6}{tu7}{un}ussr{/un}{bo}False{/bo}{/tu7}{tu8}{un}this_guys_bro{/un}{un}a string with {/sq/}single{/sq/} quotes.{/un}{/tu8}{tu9}{un}america{/un}{li11}{li12}{un}san francisco{/un}{un}colorado{/un}{lo}120000000{/lo}{co}1j{/co}{st}strings{/st}{/li12}{li13}{st}bond{/st}{st}007{/st}{/li13}{/li11}{/tu9}{tu10}{un}this_guy{/un}{un}a string {/bs/} with a lot {/bs/} of {/dq/}double quotes{/dq/} and {/bs/}backslashes{/bs/}{/un}{/tu10}{/li6}{/di5}{/tu3}{tu4}{un}meta{/un}{un}holy cow! {{this}}has tags!{{/this}} but {li0}it{/li0} is a string.{/un}{/tu4}{tu5}{un}a-tupleset{/un}{se7}{tu8}{in}4{/in}{in}5{/in}{/tu8}{tu9}{in}2{/in}{in}3{/in}{/tu9}{/se7}{/tu5}{tu6}{un}atuple{/un}{tu8}{un}{/9786/}{/un}{bo}True{/bo}{bo}False{/bo}{/tu8}{/tu6}{tu7}{un}imgs{/un}{di9}{li10}{tu11}{un}descriptors{/un}{tu13}{st}forward{/st}{st}backward{/st}{st}up{/st}{st}down{/st}{/tu13}{/tu11}{tu12}{un}fl{/un}{in}55{/in}{/tu12}{tu13}{un}ff{/un}{in}45{/in}{/tu13}{tu14}{un}filepath{/un}{un}/path/to/a/file.txt{/un}{/tu14}{/li10}{/di9}{/tu7}{tu8}{un}paragraphs{/un}{st}Whose woods these are I think I know.\n His house is in the village though;\n He will not see me stopping here\n To watch his woods fill up with snow.\n\n My little horse must think it queer\n To stop without a farmhouse near\n Between the woods and frozen lake\n The darkest evening of the year.\n\n He gives his harness bells a shake\n To ask if there is some mistake.\n The only other sound{/sq/}s the sweep\n Of easy wind and downy flake.\n\n The woods are lovely, dark and deep,\n But I have promises to keep,\n And miles to go before I sleep,\n And miles to go before I sleep.{/st}{/tu8}{tu9}{un}haiku{/un}{un}Wake, butterfly\n\rit{/sq/}s late{/8209/}\n\rwe{/sq/}ve miles to go together.{/160/}{/un}{/tu9}{tu10}{un}frozen_set{/un}{fr12}{st}a{/st}{st}b{/st}{st}{/bs/}backslash{/bs/}{/st}{/fr12}{/tu10}{/li1}{/di0}
And you can go back using this...
origdict = strpy.loads(flatstring)
If you don't believe me, you can do this...
origdict == complexdd
...which I promise will return True
- Fork!
- Update with a feature branch:
git checkout -b some-tests-finally
- Commit to the cause:
git commit -am 'Now there are tests AND proper python etiquette for distributing code.'
- K... Push to the branch:
git push origin some-tests-finally
- Submit a pull request.
Needs tests and an optimization for decoding unicode text -- the text might not have any unicode characters, in which case it'd be better not to run through the process of trying to substitute back in unicode characters.
I am Chris.
You're free to use this for whatever purposes you desire, just link here and give credit, please. Thanks!