Mocking dataSource by javascript, providing save, remove, query and sort
create eg.
var fruitsDataSource = Mocker.mock({
template: { say: 'hello' }, // or an array: [ {..}, {..} ]
amount: 100, // it's necessary if template isn't an array
idAttribute: 'id', // or json full format: { key: 'id', prefix: 'fruit_' }
randomAttributes: [{
key: 'type',
values: [ 'apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grapes' ]
key: 'taste',
values: [ 'awesome', 'good', 'shit smells' ]
key: 'time',
values: { min: 1325347200000, max: 1356883200000 }
onCreate: function( item ) { // item on create callback
item.say = 'hi';
onComplete: function( items ) { // items on complete callback
// you can add some statistics
shuffle: true, // to shuffle items order
delay: 1000 // simulate request & response delay
or with AMD.
require( [ 'mocker' ], function( Mocker ) { } );
query eg.
params: {
query: 'type gte {a}, type lte {z}, time gt {0}', // or json format: [ { key: 'type', operator: 'like', value: 'apple' } ]
sort: 'type asc, time desc', // or json format: [ { key: 'time', order: 'desc' } ]
skip: 0,
limit: 100,
count: true
success: function( data ) {
console.log( 'data count: ' + data.count );
console.log( 'data list: ' );
console.log( data.list );
error: function() {
console.error( 'shit happens!' );
save eg.
params: {
save: { // or string format: "{ 'type': 'orange', 'taste': 'bad' }"
type: 'apple',
taste: 'awesome',
time: new Date().getTime()
success: function( data ) {
console.log( 'data id: ' + );
remove eg.
params: {
remove: 'taste eq {shit smells}' // or json format: [ { key: 'taste', operator: 'nq', value: 'awesome' } ]
success: function( count ) {
console.log( 'data count of remove: ' + count );