Before starting, make sure you have the following tools installed:
- Docker: Needed for creating Kubernetes clusters with Kind.
- Kind: A tool for running Kubernetes clusters in Docker containers.
- kubectl: Kubernetes command-line tool to interact with the cluster.
- Istioctl: Command-line tool to install and manage Istio.
kind create cluster --name istio-ambient-cluster --image kindest/node:v1.28.0 --config kind/kind-config.yaml
to create the cluster. -
Give the execution permision to the script. Run
chmod +x istio/
Verify the control plane components with:
kubectl get pods -n istio-system
You should see pods for Ambient Mesh components like:
- ztunnel: Handles ambient data plane traffic.
- istiod (optional, depending on your setup): Istio control plane.
- Enable Ambient mesh in a namespace
kubectl label namespace default
- Deploy Nginx and Sleep Pods
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
- Run the following command to create the nginx service:
kubectl apply -f scenarios/authorization-ztunel-l4/nginx-service.yaml
Restricting access to nginx
cat scenarios/authorization-ztunel-l4/authorization-policy.yaml
Apply the authorization resource
kubectl apply -f scenarios/authorization-ztunel-l4/authorization-policy.yaml
✅ sleep pod should access Nginx.
kubectl exec deploy/sleep -- curl -s http://nginx-service.default.svc.cluster.local
❌ Other pods should be denied.
kubectl run testpod --image=busybox -- sleep 3600
kubectl exec testpod -- wget -qO- http://nginx-service.default.svc.cluster.local