Releases: fairecasoimeme/Zlinky_TIC
Releases · fairecasoimeme/Zlinky_TIC
ZLinky_TIC Router v16.0
Version 0016
- Fix dataType for SINSTS ERQ1 and SMAXN for the reporting
- Fix acquisition after update
- Fix bugs
- Delete some debug to free UART
plusieurs fois pour que tous les rapports soient pris en compte
ZLinky_TIC Router v15.0
Version 0015
- Add Silvercrest / Livarno compatibility with Tuya (change the device id to Dimming ligth)
- Add tariffPeriod (0x10) attribute with Lixee cluster (0xff66).
- Add alarm (reporting) on value update
- Decreasing MAX Report interval to 20 seconds (in aim to enhance reporting time)
- Fix Total apparent power for Tuya
- Enhance netwrok management
La mise à jour peut nécessiter une remise à zéro de l'appareil. Si après la mise à jour, le ZLinky n'a plus la Led allumée, il faut suivre la procédure de remise à zéro
ZLinky_TIC Router v14.0
Version 0014
- Add Tuya zigbee compatibility (see datas management here)
- Add ENEDIS Labellisation software "Linky Ready"
- Better data consistency
- Better error management
- Change LED blinking
- Change UART decoding
ZLinky_TIC Router v13.0
Version 0013
- Add MOTDETAT value (from historic mode) --> Cluster : 0xFF66 - Attribut : 0x0009
- Add null value for all of default metering properties
- Add watchdog reset process when hardfault error
- Fix duplicate voltage acquisition
- Fix operator error for comparison
ZLinky_TIC Router v12.0
Version 0012
- Add voltage driver
- Add main voltage infos
Cluster 0x0001 (Power Configuration) :- Attribut 0x0000 (mains voltage)
- Attribut 0x0011 (mains voltage min threshold)
- Attribut 0x0012 (mains voltage max threshold)
- Add more zigbee radio reactivity - Now you can send and receive zigbee requests during Linky acquisition
ZLinky_TIC Router v11.0
Version 0011
- Add SINST SMAXN SMAXN-1 "monophasé" compatibility to all plugins
ZLinky_TIC Router v10.0
Version 0010
- Update LED management to reduce consumption when all is ok (LED ON)
- Add new cluster/ attr SINSTS, SMAXN and SMAXN-1 because these values are unique in "mode triphasé" #112
- SINSTS : cluster : 0x0b04 attr : 0x0306
- SMAXS : cluster : 0x0b04 attr : 0x0304
- SMAXN-1 : cluster : 0xff66 attr : 0x0400
- Update MCUXpresso config files and Makefile to manage limited and legacy firmware
- Update OTA time wait. Verify update OTA between 2 hours and 4 hours instead of 2m-4m
- Rename the limited version configuration file
- If you are already in legacy version, you can use the OTA file
- If you are with "no_router" version, you have to flash your device with usb module. (And you will use OTA file for futures versions)
ZLinky_TIC Router v9.0
Version 0009
- Fix Manufacturer specific issue. To fix the manufacturer Specific request error, The check of the flag has been deactivated. This method has been chosen to give compatibility with all plugins.
Reminder : Manufacturer id is : 0x1037 (4151)
ZLinky_TIC Router v8.0
Version 0008
- Fix inconsistent app.zpscfg for router mode. #99
ZLinky_TIC Router v7.0
Version 0007
- Add Linky acquisition timer parameter.(Readable/Writable and in PDM memory) Cluster : 0xff66 - attribut : 0x0100 (par defaut : 0x0A)
- Add Blinking LED (fast) for permit join mode
- Add 2 config files. With or without childs routing function (ZLinky_router_v7.0_no_route.ota for no childs routing function)
- Fix blocking timer when Linky Acquisition.
- Fix Reportable Attribut. SMAXN2 Cluster : 0x0b04 - attribut : 0x090D / SMAXN3 Cluster : 0x0b04 - attribut : 0x0A0D