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[new-env] Implement reading and refining in new environment
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This is the key rad work dsainati1 did previously in D28412985 updated to work with the new model of the env builder.

When we read a variable, we find a set of env builder writes, which can be locations, uninitialized, or another set of writes that have been refined. We look up locations in the var env, and if they're part of a refined set we join them into a tvar, refine that tvar with predicates, and flow the result into the overall type. this recursive process generates an overall, summarized view of a variable.

As a side note, this diff includes some verbose-debug printing, but since there isn't a trace available here it also makes traces optional for debug printing, which causes minor changes in lots of places.

Reviewed By: jbrown215

Differential Revision: D29858582

fbshipit-source-id: 2eb078000ed672c8d7cabdf91c5a9fb10b5529ee
  • Loading branch information
mvitousek authored and facebook-github-bot committed Sep 4, 2021
1 parent 5446936 commit e6831b4
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Showing 9 changed files with 104 additions and 24 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/typing/
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Expand Up @@ -1764,7 +1764,8 @@ let dump_error_message =
(dump_reason cx reason_prop)

module Verbose = struct
let print_if_verbose_lazy cx trace ?(delim = "") ?(indent = 0) (lines : string list Lazy.t) =
let print_if_verbose_lazy
cx ?(trace = Trace.dummy_trace) ?(delim = "") ?(indent = 0) (lines : string list Lazy.t) =
match Context.verbose cx with
| Some { Verbose.indent = num_spaces; _ } ->
let indent = max (indent + Trace.trace_depth trace - 1) 0 in
Expand All @@ -1775,9 +1776,10 @@ module Verbose = struct
prerr_endline (String.concat delim lines)
| None -> ()

let print_if_verbose cx trace ?(delim = "") ?(indent = 0) (lines : string list) =
let print_if_verbose
cx ?(trace = Trace.dummy_trace) ?(delim = "") ?(indent = 0) (lines : string list) =
match Context.verbose cx with
| Some _ -> print_if_verbose_lazy cx trace ~delim ~indent (lazy lines)
| Some _ -> print_if_verbose_lazy cx ~trace ~delim ~indent (lazy lines)
| None -> ()

let print_types_if_verbose cx trace ?(note : string option) ((l : Type.t), (u : Type.use_t)) =
Expand All @@ -1788,6 +1790,6 @@ module Verbose = struct
| Some x -> spf " ~> %s" x
| None -> " ~>"
print_if_verbose cx trace ~delim [dump_t ~depth cx l; dump_use_t ~depth cx u]
print_if_verbose cx ~trace ~delim [dump_t ~depth cx l; dump_use_t ~depth cx u]
| None -> ()
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/typing/debug_js.mli
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Expand Up @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ val dump_flow : ?depth:int -> Context.t -> Type.t * Type.use_t -> string

module Verbose : sig
val print_if_verbose_lazy :
Context.t -> Type.trace -> ?delim:string -> ?indent:int -> string list Lazy.t -> unit
Context.t -> ?trace:Type.trace -> ?delim:string -> ?indent:int -> string list Lazy.t -> unit

val print_if_verbose :
Context.t -> Type.trace -> ?delim:string -> ?indent:int -> string list -> unit
Context.t -> ?trace:Type.trace -> ?delim:string -> ?indent:int -> string list -> unit

val print_types_if_verbose :
Context.t -> Type.trace -> ?note:string -> Type.t * Type.use_t -> unit
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/typing/
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Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module type BASE = sig
val rec_unify :
Context.t -> Type.trace -> use_op:Type.use_op -> ?unify_any:bool -> Type.t -> Type.t -> unit

val unify : Context.t -> Type.t -> Type.t -> unit
val unify : Context.t -> ?use_op:Type.use_op -> Type.t -> Type.t -> unit

val unify_opt :
Context.t ->
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14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions src/typing/
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Expand Up @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ struct
discarded depending on whether the case that created the action is
selected or not. *)
if Speculation.defer_action cx (Speculation_state.FlowAction (l, u)) then
print_if_verbose cx trace ~indent:1 ["deferred during speculation"]
print_if_verbose cx ~trace ~indent:1 ["deferred during speculation"]
else if
match l with
| AnyT _ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -9558,7 +9558,7 @@ struct
(Base.Option.value trace ~default:Trace.dummy_trace))
~trace:(Base.Option.value trace ~default:Trace.dummy_trace))
ro ))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -9650,11 +9650,7 @@ struct
let tset = TypeExSet.add elemt tset in
let generic =
~printer:(print_if_verbose_lazy cx Trace.dummy_trace)
Generic.ArraySpread.merge ~printer:(print_if_verbose_lazy cx) generic generic' ro
flatten cx r args (Some (tset, generic)) rest
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10270,8 +10266,8 @@ struct

(* Externally visible function for unification. *)
(* Calls internal entry point and traps runaway recursion. *)
and unify cx t1 t2 =
try unify_opt cx ~use_op:unknown_use ~unify_any:true t1 t2 with
and unify cx ?(use_op = unknown_use) t1 t2 =
try unify_opt cx ~use_op ~unify_any:true t1 t2 with
| RecursionCheck.LimitExceeded trace ->
(* log and continue *)
let reasons = FlowError.ordered_reasons (reason_of_t t1, reason_of_t t2) in
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/typing/flow_js.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ val flow : Context.t -> Type.t * Type.use_t -> unit

val flow_t : Context.t -> Type.t * Type.t -> unit

val unify : Context.t -> Type.t -> Type.t -> unit
val unify : Context.t -> ?use_op:Type.use_op -> Type.t -> Type.t -> unit

val flow_p :
Context.t ->
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82 changes: 80 additions & 2 deletions src/typing/
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* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

open Utils_js
open Type
open Reason
open Loc_collections
Expand All @@ -13,16 +14,93 @@ open Loc_collections
(* Helpers **************)

let _find_var { Env_api.env_values; _ } loc = ALocMap.find loc env_values
let find_var { Env_api.env_values; _ } loc = ALocMap.find loc env_values

let _find_refi { Env_api.refinement_of_id; _ } = refinement_of_id
let find_refi { Env_api.refinement_of_id; _ } = refinement_of_id

let _is_provider { Env_api.providers; _ } = Env_api.Provider_api.is_provider providers

let _find_providers { Env_api.providers; _ } loc =
Env_api.Provider_api.providers_of_def providers loc
|> Base.Option.value ~default:[]
|> ~f:Reason.aloc_of_reason
(* Reading *)

(** Computes the phi type for a node given all its lower bounds
* Currently, this just produces a new type variable with the types of
* all the incoming writes as lower bounds. In the future, however, we
* may want to compute a more specific least upper bound for these writes.
let phi cx reason ts =
Tvar.mk_where cx reason (fun tvar -> Base.List.iter ts ~f:(fun t -> Flow_js.flow_t cx (t, tvar)))

let rec predicate_of_refinement cx =
| AndR (r1, r2) -> AndP (predicate_of_refinement cx r1, predicate_of_refinement cx r2)
| OrR (r1, r2) -> OrP (predicate_of_refinement cx r1, predicate_of_refinement cx r2)
| NotR r -> NotP (predicate_of_refinement cx r)
| TruthyR loc -> ExistsP (Some loc)
| NullR -> NullP
| UndefinedR -> VoidP
| MaybeR -> MaybeP
| InstanceOfR loc ->
(* Instanceof refinements store the loc they check against, which is a read in the env *)
let reason = mk_reason (RCustom "RHS of `instanceof` operator") loc in
let t = read cx loc reason in
Flow_js.flow cx (t, AssertInstanceofRHST reason);
LeftP (InstanceofTest, t)
| IsArrayR -> ArrP
| BoolR loc -> BoolP loc
| FunctionR -> FunP
| NumberR loc -> NumP loc
| ObjectR -> ObjP
| StringR loc -> StrP loc
| SymbolR loc -> SymbolP loc
| SingletonBoolR { loc; sense = _; lit } -> SingletonBoolP (loc, lit)
| SingletonStrR { loc; sense; lit } -> SingletonStrP (loc, sense, lit)
| SingletonNumR { loc; sense; lit } -> SingletonNumP (loc, sense, lit)
| SentinelR (prop, loc) ->
PropExistsP (prop, mk_reason (RProperty (Some (OrdinaryName prop))) loc))

and refine cx reason loc refi t =
~f:(fun predicate ->
let predicate = predicate |> snd |> predicate_of_refinement cx in
let reason = mk_reason (RRefined (desc_of_reason reason)) loc in
Tvar.mk_no_wrap_where cx reason (fun tvar ->
Flow_js.flow cx (t, PredicateT (predicate, tvar))))

and read cx loc reason =
let ({ Loc_env.var_info; _ } as env) = Context.environment cx in
let rec type_of_state states refi =
| Env_api.With_ALoc.Uninitialized -> Type.( loc |> with_trust Trust.bogus_trust)
| Env_api.With_ALoc.Write reason ->
"reading %s from location %s"
(ALoc.debug_to_string loc)
(Reason.aloc_of_reason reason |> ALoc.debug_to_string);
Base.Option.value_exn (Reason.aloc_of_reason reason |> Loc_env.find_write env)
| Env_api.With_ALoc.Refinement { refinement_id; writes } ->
find_refi var_info refinement_id |> Base.Option.some |> type_of_state writes
| Env_api.With_ALoc.Global name -> Flow_js.get_builtin cx (Reason.OrdinaryName name) reason)
|> phi cx reason
|> refine cx reason loc refi
let var_state = find_var var_info loc in
let t = type_of_state var_state None in
Flow_js.reposition cx loc t

(* Variable Declaration *)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/typing/new_env.mli
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* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

val read : Context.t -> ALoc.t -> Reason.t -> Type.t

val initialize_all : Context.t -> unit
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/typing/
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Expand Up @@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ module Make (Flow : INPUT) : OUTPUT = struct
| ( GenericT ({ bound = bound1; id = id1; reason = reason1; _ } as g1),
GenericT ({ bound = bound2; id = id2; reason = reason2; _ } as g2) ) ->
match Generic.satisfies ~printer:(print_if_verbose_lazy cx trace) id1 id2 with
match Generic.satisfies ~printer:(print_if_verbose_lazy cx ~trace) id1 id2 with
| Generic.Satisfied ->
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/typing/
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module TrustKit (Flow : Flow_common.S) : Flow_common.TRUST_CHECKING = struct
See below for the algorithm that uses these helpers.
let set_new_lower_bound cx trace id ltrust utrust new_trust ubounds =
print_if_verbose cx trace [Printf.sprintf "Tainting %d to %s" id (string_of_trust new_trust)];
print_if_verbose cx ~trace [Printf.sprintf "Tainting %d to %s" id (string_of_trust new_trust)];
if subtype_trust ltrust utrust then (
set_trust ubounds new_trust;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +97,10 @@ module TrustKit (Flow : Flow_common.S) : Flow_common.TRUST_CHECKING = struct
(* These functions work exactly as above, except for upper trust bounds
propagating to lower variable bounds, and with publicity instead of taint. *)
let set_new_upper_bound cx trace id ltrust utrust new_trust lbounds =
print_if_verbose cx trace [Printf.sprintf "Publicizing %d to %s" id (string_of_trust new_trust)];
[Printf.sprintf "Publicizing %d to %s" id (string_of_trust new_trust)];
if subtype_trust ltrust utrust then (
set_trust lbounds new_trust;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ module TrustKit (Flow : Flow_common.S) : Flow_common.TRUST_CHECKING = struct
let utrust = get_trust ub in
let (u_lowervars, u_uppervars) = get_bounds ub in
if not (ISet.mem id1 u_lowervars) then (
print_if_verbose cx trace [Printf.sprintf "Trust linking %d to %d" id1 id2];
print_if_verbose cx ~trace [Printf.sprintf "Trust linking %d to %d" id1 id2];
if flow_new_lower_bound cx trace ltrust id2 ub then
if flow_new_upper_bound cx trace utrust id1 lb then (
let new_upper = ISet.add id2 u_uppervars in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,7 +198,6 @@ module TrustKit (Flow : Flow_common.S) : Flow_common.TRUST_CHECKING = struct
if new_trust <> trust then (
"Strengthening %d from %s to %s"
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