Please consider using instead:
Do heavy data process outside of your UI JS thread.
Before using this kind of solution you should check if InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions is not enough for your needs, because creating a aditional worker can considerably increase app memory usage.
I mostly use this library for a personal project, that wrap a native database with a graphql api. So the updates may follow my needs, but any PR is welcome.
npm install --save rn-workers
react-native link rn-workers
Prepare your project following this SETUP GUIDE
import { Worker } from 'rn-workers'
export default class rnapp extends React.Component {
componentDidMount () {
//Create using default worker port (8082)
this.worker = new Worker();
//Create worker pointing to custom one
this.worker2 = new Worker(8083);
//Add listener to receve messages
this.worker.onmessage = message => this.setState({
text: message,
count: this.state.count + 1
//Send message to worker (Only strings is allowed for now)
this.worker.postMessage("Hey Worker!")
componentWillUnmount () {
//Terminate worker
import { WorkerService } from 'rn-workers'
const worker = new WorkerService();
worker.onmessage = message => {
//Reply the message back to app
worker.postMessage("Hello from the other side (" + message + ")")
Cancer GPL ..... just kindind, its Apache 2.0