The most powerful/fully integrated Z-Wave node for Node-RED based on Z-Wave JS. If you want a fully featured Z-Wave framework in your Node-RED instance, look no further.
@CRXPorter, July 2021.
- Part of the awesome Z-Wave JS org
- 100% Javascript, so its blazing fast!
- Does not require a build of any static library
- Stable
- The Ability to capture commands for later use.
- A deep integrated UI within in node red
- Full Z-Wave control inside Node-RED including:
- Device inclusion/exclusion wizard
- S0 and S2 security support
- Supports Security S2 Smart Start (Mobile companion web application)
- Network health checks
- Network mesh graph
- Firmware updates
- Associations management
- Filter node for handling incoming messages from your devices
- Factory node for simplifying the formatting of outgoing messages
- Multicast command support
Since node-red-contrib-zwave-js
is based on Z-Wave JS, we have the support and active maintenance from the amazing group of developers who have built the libraries, APIs, and config files which run this contrib.
Included with the contrib is a user interface where Z-Wave network management is handled. The controller side of the UI is used to include/exclude devices, heal the network, update firmware, and view the network map for diagnosing problems. The device side of the UI is used to configure devices, manage associations, and provide setup help for the nodes which will be used in your flows.
There are 4 node types included with this contrib (click here for full details about these nodes)
: this node is used to set up a connection to your USB Z-Wave controller, set security keys, and manage various advanced controller optionszwave-device
: this node is used to send and receive messages to one or more of the Z-Wave devices on your networkevent-filter
: this node is used to filter and sort messages from your Z-Wave devicescmd-factory
: this node simplifies creation of messages being sent to your Z-Wave devices
- Installing: system requirements and install instructions
- Just Show Me How: first day walkthrough
- Wiki: just about everything
- Change Log: whats changed?
- marcus-j-davies our main developer who claims "my software doesn't have bugs"
- AlCalzone for creating ZWave-JS that makes this possible
- hufftheweevil for creating the User Interface tab
- CRXPorter for creating all the help material/finding this project
- thk for the relentless beta testing