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Python implementation of CASPAR (Cognitive Architecture System Planned and Reactive)


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This is the repository of the Python (3.7+) implementation of CASPAR (Cognitive Architecture System Planned and Reactive) referred to the paper: A Reactive Cognitive Architecture based on Natural Language Processing for the task of Decision-Making using a Rich Semantic, presented in WOA 2020: Workshop “From Objects to Agents”, September 14–16, 2020, Bologna, Italy.

Image 1


WARNING: Starting from here, this repository changes taking in account of the branch. Please select the favorite branch (master or raspberry) before to proceed further. The master branch (this one) is designed for Windows 10 64bit, while the raspberry branch is designed for Raspberry Pi 4B (4BG) and Ubuntu 20.10.

This repository has been tested on Python 3.7.3 64bit on Windows 10, with the following packages versions:

As Speech-to-Text engine you can decide to use either Google or Azure, uncommenting the related lines (7 or 8) of

> python -m pip install google-cloud-speech

You must also create the authentication keys by following the instructions in the above link.

> python -m pip install azure-cognitiveservices-speech

You must also create the authentication keys by following the instructions in the above link. For Azure Speech-to-Text supported architectures, please refer here.


> git clone
> python install
> python -m pip install pyreadline
> python -m pip install parse


> python -m pip install spacy
> python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

Natural Language Toolkit

from prompt:

> python -m pip install nltk

from python console:

> import nltk

pyttsx3 (Text-to-Speech)

from prompt:

> python -m pip install pyttsx3

porcupine (hotword detection)

from prompt:

> python -m pip install pvporcupine


This cognitive architecture is designed to implement more intelligent agents and also is an agent itself. Before starting the agent, Entities and Speech-To-Text Interfaces must be defined.

Entities definition

Entities involved in reasoning must be defined in the Smart Environment Interface (

Speech-To-Text Interfaces

STT Interfaces (for both hotword and utterances) must be defined inside the Instances Sensors (

Starting Phidias Shell

> python

          PHIDIAS Release 1.3.4.alpha (deepcopy-->clone,micropython,py3)
          Autonomous and Robotic Systems Laboratory
          Department of Mathematics and Informatics
          University of Catania, Italy ([email protected])
eShell: main >

Starting agent

eShell: main > go()
eShell: main > Starting Caspar...

Starting Hotword detection...

Listening {
  caspar (0.50)

eShell: main >

Waking agent

Here we suppose the agent recognizes the waking word (caspar for this instance) and (after the beep sound) exits from its idle state:

2021-01-07 10:26:03.365313] Detected caspar

Yes, I'm here!

Stopping Hotword detection...

Starting utterance detection...

after ten seconds of inactivity:

Returning to idle state...

Stopping utterance detection...

Starting Hotword detection...

the amount of waiting seconds can be changed in the AGENT section of the config.ini file (WAIT_TIME).

IoT commands and routines

By the means of two testing procedure IoT direct commands can be tested, whose entities are defined in the Smart Enviroment interface:

  • set the cooler at 27 degrees in the bedroom
Processing domotic command...

set the cooler at 27 degrees in the bedroom

Starting Hotword detection...

---- Result: execution successful

Action: specify.v.02
Object: cooler
Location: bedroom
Parameters: at 27 degree
  • turn off the lights in the living room
Processing domotic command...

turn off the lights in the living room

Starting Hotword detection...

---- Result: execution successful

Action: change_state.v.01
Object: light
Location: living room
Parameters: off

Caspar is capable of parsing complex routines as it follow (the agent must be first awakened):

  • turn off the lights in the living room, when the temperature is 25 and the time is 12.00
Stopping utterance detection...

Processing domotic command...

turn off the lights in the living room, when the temperature is 25 and the time is 12.00

Starting Hotword detection...

eShell: main > 

Now routines related beliefs are stored into Beliefs Knowledge Base, which can be view with the command kb:

eShell: main > kb

COND('420548', 'be', 'temperature', '25')
COND('420548', 'be', 'time', '12.00')      
ROUTINE('420548', 'turn', 'light', 'living room', 'off')

eShell: main > 

The routine will wait for execution, until the two beliefs COND are satisfied. Let's simulate CONDs satisfaction by simulating two Sensor detections, which let the agent decide on routine execution.

eShell: main > +SENSOR('be','time','12.00')

asserting SENSOR('be','time','12.00')...

conditional triggered by a sensor...

Result: not all routine's conditionals are currently met!

The time-related COND is satisfied, but it isn't enough for routine execution because it miss another COND satisfaction:

eShell: main > kb

COND('420548', 'be', 'temperature', '25')
ROUTINE('420548', 'turn', 'light', 'living room', 'off')

eShell: main > 

as another Sensor detection meet the temperature-related COND as well, the routine can be executed:

eShell: main > +SENSOR('be','temperature','25')

asserting SENSOR('be','temperature','25')...

conditional triggered by a sensor...

executing routine...

---- Result: execution successful

Action: change_state.v.01
Object: light
Location: living room
Parameters: off

Conceptual Reasoning

All the Caspar's expressive capabilities are summarized here. In order to distinguish working contexts, conceptual reasoning will be triggered by two specific hotwords (after the agent is awakened):

  • listen: the agent will wait (until timeout) for utterances in natural language to be converted in definite clauses and asserted in the Clauses Knowledge Base.
  • reason: the agent will wait (until timeout) for one utterance in natural language to be converted in a single positive literal for querying the Clauses Knowledge Base.
  • done: the agent will end the cognitive phase (either listen of reason) and will return in its idle state.

The Clauses KB can be also fed/queried by the means of keyboard, through respectively the FEED and QUERY beliefs.

Next the Clauses Knowledge base will be fed by the following utterances:

  • Cuba is an hostile nation
  • Colonel West is American
  • missiles are weapons
  • Colonel West sells missiles to Cuba
  • When an American sells weapons to a hostile nation, that American is a criminal

and queried with:

  • Colonel West is a criminal?

We will show (by the command s()) the Clauses Knowlegde Base content after every assertion simulation:

  • Cuba is an hostile nation
Waiting for knowledge...

eShell: main > +FEED("Cuba is an hostile nation")
Got it.

------------- All generalizations asserted.

eShell: main > s()
eShell: main > 
4 clauses in Clauses kb:

Be(Cuba(x1), Nation(x2))
Be(Cuba(x1), Hostile(Nation(x2)))
(Cuba(x) ==> Nation(x))
(Cuba(x) ==> Hostile(Nation(x)))
  • Colonel West is American
eShell: main > +FEED("Colonel West is American")
Got it.

------------- All generalizations asserted.

eShell: main > s()
6 clauses in Clauses kb:

Be(Cuba(x1), Nation(x2))
Be(Cuba(x1), Hostile(Nation(x2)))
(Cuba(x) ==> Nation(x))
(Cuba(x) ==> Hostile(Nation(x)))
Be(Colonel_West(x1), American(x2))
(Colonel_West(x) ==> American(x))
  • missiles are weapons
eShell: main > +FEED("missiles are weapons")
Got it.

------------- All generalizations asserted.

eShell: main > s()
8 clauses in Clauses kb:

Be(Cuba(x1), Nation(x2))
Be(Cuba(x1), Hostile(Nation(x2)))
(Cuba(x) ==> Nation(x))
(Cuba(x) ==> Hostile(Nation(x)))
Be(Colonel_West(x1), American(x2))
(Colonel_West(x) ==> American(x))
Be(Missile(x1), Weapon(x2))
(Missile(x) ==> Weapon(x))
  • Colonel West sells missiles to Cuba
eShell: main > +FEED("Colonel West sells missiles to Cuba")
Got it.

------------- All generalizations asserted.

eShell: main > s()
24 clauses in Clauses kb:

Be(Cuba(x1), Nation(x2))
Be(Cuba(x1), Hostile(Nation(x2)))
(Cuba(x) ==> Nation(x))
(Cuba(x) ==> Hostile(Nation(x)))
Be(Colonel_West(x1), American(x2))
(Colonel_West(x) ==> American(x))
Be(Missile(x1), Weapon(x2))
(Missile(x) ==> Weapon(x))
(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)) ==> Sell(American(v_0), Missile(x2)))
(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)) ==> Sell(American(x), Weapon(v_1)))
(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)) ==> Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Weapon(v_2)))
Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Nation(v_4)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_5), Missile(v_6)), Nation(x)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_7), Weapon(v_8)), Nation(x)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(v_9), Weapon(v_10)), Nation(x)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Hostile(Nation(v_11))))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_12), Missile(v_13)), Hostile(Nation(x))))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_14), Weapon(v_15)), Hostile(Nation(x))))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(v_16), Weapon(v_17)), Hostile(Nation(x))))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_18), Missile(v_19)), Cuba(x3)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_22), Weapon(v_23)), Cuba(x3)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(v_26), Weapon(v_27)), Cuba(x3)))
To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3))
  • When an American sells weapons to a hostile nation, that American is a criminal
eShell: main > +FEED("When an American sells weapons to a hostile nation, that American is a criminal")
Got it.

------------- All generalizations asserted.

eShell: main > s()
25 clauses in Clauses kb:

Be(Cuba(x1), Nation(x2))
Be(Cuba(x1), Hostile(Nation(x2)))
(Cuba(x) ==> Nation(x))
(Cuba(x) ==> Hostile(Nation(x)))
Be(Colonel_West(x1), American(x2))
(Colonel_West(x) ==> American(x))
Be(Missile(x1), Weapon(x2))
(Missile(x) ==> Weapon(x))
(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)) ==> Sell(American(v_0), Missile(x2)))
(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)) ==> Sell(American(x), Weapon(v_1)))
(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)) ==> Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Weapon(v_2)))
Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Nation(v_4)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_5), Missile(v_6)), Nation(x)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_7), Weapon(v_8)), Nation(x)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(v_9), Weapon(v_10)), Nation(x)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Hostile(Nation(v_11))))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_12), Missile(v_13)), Hostile(Nation(x))))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_14), Weapon(v_15)), Hostile(Nation(x))))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(v_16), Weapon(v_17)), Hostile(Nation(x))))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_18), Missile(v_19)), Cuba(x3)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(American(v_22), Weapon(v_23)), Cuba(x3)))
(To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3)) ==> To(Sell(Colonel_West(v_26), Weapon(v_27)), Cuba(x3)))
To(Sell(Colonel_West(x1), Missile(x2)), Cuba(x3))
(To(Sell(American(x1), Weapon(x2)), Hostile(Nation(x3))) ==> Be(American(x4), Criminal(x5)))

now it is time to query the Clauses Knowledge Base with the following utterance:

  • Colonel West is a criminal?
eShell: main > +QUERY("Colonel West is a criminal")
Got it.


Query: Be(Colonel_West(x1), Criminal(x2))


Result: False


Result:  {v_219: v_129, v_220: x2, v_280: v_216, v_281: v_217, v_282: v_218, v_366: v_277, v_367: v_278, v_368: v_279}

Above, both results of Nominal Reasoning by the Backward-Chaining argorithm and Nested Reasoning are shown.


The IoT Caspar's reasoning capabilities are utterly expressed by the production rules system in the Smart Environment Interface ( Each rule can be also subordinated by further conditions, whom will make the Beliefs KB and Clauses KB interact with each other, through a Meta-Reasoning process. For instance, the triggering conditions of the rule in line 20 of are:

+INTENT(X, "Alarm", "Garage", T) / (lemma_in_syn(X, "change_state.v.01") & eval_cls("At_IN(Be_VBZ(Inhabitant_NN(x1), __), Home_NN(x2))"))

Differently from others, such a rule contains the so-called Active Belief eval_cls, which will query the Clauses KB with the clause:

At_IN(Be_VBZ(Inhabitant_NN(x1), __), Home_NN(x2))

being the representation of the sentence: An inhabitant is at home. If we ask the agent Turn off the Alarm in the garage without having fed the Clauses KB properly, the execution will fail. While, when we feed the Clauses KB as it follows (for example):

+FEED("Robert is an inhabitant")
+FEED("Robert is at home")

after whom, the Clauses KB will be as it follows:

Be_VBZ(Robert_NNP(x1), Inhabitant_NN(x2))
(Robert_NNP(x) ==> Inhabitant_NN(x))
(Be_VBZ(Robert_NNP(x3), __) ==> Be_VBZ(Inhabitant_NN(v_0), __))
Be_VBZ(Robert_NNP(x3), __)
(At_IN(Be_VBZ(Robert_NNP(x3), __), Home_NN(x5)) ==> At_IN(Be_VBZ(Inhabitant_NN(v_1), __), Home_NN(x5)))
At_IN(Be_VBZ(Robert_NNP(x3), __), Home_NN(x5))

the execution of the above command will be successful. The logic reasoning achieved by eval_cls could also involve a Conceptual Nested Reasoning, taking in account of the config.ini settings.

Word Sense Disambiguation

In order to obtain a disambiguation between labels containing the same lemma, depending on the context of the sentence, instead of the lemma it is possible to encode labels with synsets by changing the value of DIS_ACTIVE in the DISAMBIGUATION section of config.ini. It is also possible to specify the Parts-Of-Speech whom will be encoded. Such encoding take in account of different word2vect similarity (provided by spaCy) combinations, between the sentence S in exam and the text fields (gloss and examples) within each synset comprising each lemmatized word l in S.

Image 2

For instance, considering the following sentences sharing the word "bass" (DIS_METRIC_COMPARISON = EXAMPLES) and their encoding:

  • He likes to eat a bass
> Like.v.05:VBZ_Feed.v.06:VB(He:PRP(x1), Sea_bass.n.01:NN(x2))

Where the gloss of the synset "Sea_bass.n.01" is: "the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family Serranidae"

  • He likes to play the bass
> Wish.v.02:VBZ_Play.v.18:VB(He:PRP(x1), Bass.n.07:NN(x2))
  • Bass.n.07: "the member with the lowest range of a family of musical instruments"

Another two examples sharing the word "bank" (DIS_METRIC_COMPARISON = COMBINED), more in detail:

  • Three masked men stolen all cash money from the bank
> From_IN(Steal.v.01_VBD(Masked.s.02_JJ(Three_CD_Man.n.01_NNS(x1)), Cash.n.01_NN_Money.n.01_NN(x2)), Depository_financial_institution.n.01_NN(x3))
  • steal.v.01: "take without the owner's consent"
  • masked.s.02: "having markings suggestive of a mask"
  • money.n.02: "wealth reckoned in terms of money"
  • cash.n.01: "money in the form of bills or coins"
  • depository_financial_institution.n.01: "a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities"

An the other sentence:

  • The boy leapt from the bank into the cold water
> Into_IN(From_IN(Jump.v.08_VBD(Boy.n.04_NN(x1), __), Bank.n.01_NN(x3)), Cold.a.01_JJ(Body_of_water.n.01_NN(x4)))
  • boy.n.02: a friendly informal reference to a grown man
  • jump.v.08: jump down from an elevated point
  • bank.n.01: sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water)
  • cold.a.01: having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration
  • body_of_water.n.01: the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean)

Grounded Meaning Context

In the scope of a distinct session, during a normal conversation, it is most likely that words with same lemmas are considered to have the same meaning. Since slight differences in the POS classification and/or synset choice might lead also to unsuccessful reasoning, by setting GMC_ACTIVE = true in the section GROUNDED_MEANING_CONTEXT, it is possible to set all labels with the same lemma to the first synset value encountered of them, in the scope of the same session.


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