A Java based wrapper for the wkhtmltopdf command line tool. As the name implies, it uses WebKit to convert HTML documents to PDFs.
wkhtmltopdf must be installed and working on your system.
Make sure you have Java Wrapper dependency added to your project.
If you are using Gradle/Maven, see example below:
In your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.jhonnymertz:java-wkhtmltopdf-wrapper:1.1.9-RELEASE'
In your pom.xml
Pdf pdf = new Pdf();
pdf.addPageFromString("<html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"></head><h1>Müller</h1></html>");
// Add a Table of Contents
// The `wkhtmltopdf` shell command accepts different types of options such as global, page, headers and footers, and toc. Please see `wkhtmltopdf -H` for a full explanation.
// All options are passed as array, for example:
pdf.addParam(new Param("--no-footer-line"), new Param("--header-html", "file:///header.html"));
pdf.addParam(new Param("--enable-javascript"));
// Add styling for Table of Contents
pdf.addTocParam(new Param("--xsl-style-sheet", "my_toc.xsl"));
// Save the PDF
XvfbConfig xc = new XvfbConfig();
xc.addParams(new Param("--auto-servernum"), new Param("--server-num=1"));
WrapperConfig wc = new WrapperConfig();
Pdf pdf = new Pdf(wc);
wkhtmltopdf may return non-zero exit codes to denote warnings, you can now set the Pdf object to allow this:
Pdf pdf = new Pdf(wc);
// or:
pdf.setSuccessValues(Arrays.asList(0, 1));
This library is not an official Wkhtmltopdf product. Support is available on a best-effort basis via github issue tracking. Pull requests are welcomed.
- Tests are incomplete
This project is available under MIT Licence.