A collection of handwritten or annotated summaries I made/used during my bachelor and master studies in Computer Science at ETHZ between 2014-2019.
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The summaries are organized by semester and lecture. They are mostly a reference for myself but feel free to use them however you like if you find them useful.
There are several types of summaries:
Exam handwritten
It's usually the most complete version. They are handwritten with small font, made to be brought at the exam when allowed.
Summary handwritten
Similar to handwritten for exam, they are written bigger but might not treat all topics. Made for studying.
Bullet points
Simple list of topics to be known, specific enough to cover all the content of the lecture. Handwritten annotations add schemas or treat some topics more in depth.
Formulas computer
Usually one or two pages of formulas written in latex only to be brought at exam. Most of them weren't made by me and credit goes to the respective author. In these cases I just added annotations.
Summary computer
Complete and long summaries of the whole lecture. Often written by somebody else, I just added annotation. It doesn't really make sense for you to look at them, they are mostly for my own reference. The original version will probably be more helpful to you. Credit to the respective authors.
★ is for summaries that might be more helpful.
Definitely check out the summaries by Stefan Heule, Linus Metzler, and Carlo Del Don.
- DMAT (Discrete Mathematics)
- EPROG (Introduction to Programming)
- LIN (Linear Algebra)
- ANA1 (Analysis 1)
- ANA2 (Analysis 2)
- PARAL (Parallel Programming)
- PHY (Physics)
- DIG (Digital Circuits)
- DNA (Datastructures and Algorithms)
- TI (Theoretical Informatics)
- SPCA (Systems Programming and Computer Architecture)
- WUS (Probability and Statistics)
- NM (Numerical Methods)
- SAE (Software Architecture and Engineering)
- FMFP (Formal Methods and Functional Programming)
- DMDB (Data Modeling and Databases)
- OSNET (Operating Systems and Networks)
- GT (Game Theory)
- APC (Algorithms, Probability, and Computing)
- VC (Visual Computing)
- PBS (Physically Based Symulations)
- HCI (Human-Computer Interaction)
- INI (Introduction to Neuro-Informatics)
- DRZ (Bachelor Thesis)
- LIS (Learning and Intelligent Systems)
- NE (Negotiation)
- IT (Information Theory)
- QIC (Quantum Information and Cryptography)
- CG (Computer Graphics)
- CV (Computer Vision)
- AL (Algorithms Lab)
- COOP (Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming)
- PAI (Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence)
- SAT (Seminar Advanced Topics in CG/CV)
- GPL (Game Programming Laboratory)
- ER (Entrepreneurial Risks)
- SMGP (Shape Modeling and Geometry Processing)
- CIL (Computational Intelligence Lab)
- IQI (Invitation to Quantum Informatics)
- GTC (Master's Thesis)
- IM (Introduction to Marketing)
- PMA (Principles of Macroeconomics)
- SCA (Seminar in Computer Architecture)
- SLF (The Science of Learning From Failure)