CLI tool for controlling your Panasonic air conditioner (CS-Z25VKEW)
You do have to install the Panasonic app and pair with your devices once. It will request that you register on the Panasonic site. Pair your devices following the in-app instructions, and save your credentials.
Once you have done that, you can set up config.json
"Username": "[email protected]", // Your registered user ID
"Password": "YourPanasonicPassword", // Password for the registered email
"Bearer": "", // Leave empty, it will be filled by the script
"DeviceGuid": "", // You can fill this later, from the ouput of -list
"RetryAttempts": 2, // If a HTTP request fails, how many times to retry
"HttpDebug": false, // Print HTTP requests and responses
"HttpProxy": "" , // HTTP proxy for debugging
"Verbose": false // Does nothing, use -q switch instead
After this you can delete the app from your phone, the script will log you out anyway.
If you have Go installed you can build the project as as
cd Panasonic-AC-CLI
go build .
List all devices associated with your account
./panac -list
Select a device
./panac -dev <DeviceGUID>
Read current settings of a device
./panac -status
Set new status for device, you can set any combination of settings to be updated
./panac -power on -m cool -t 22 -fan auto
The rest of the options are
-ah string
Horizontal angle of the air > auto/left/centerleft/center/centerright/right
-av string
Vertical angle of the air > auto/top/centertop/center/centerbottom/bottom
-config string
Path to config file (default "config.json")
-dev string
DeviceGUID use -list to print avaliable
-eco string
Economy setting > none/quiet/strong
-fan string
Fan speed > auto/1/2/3/4/5
-h Display this help text
Display detailed information
List devices associated with user
-m string
AC mode > auto/heat/cool/dry/nanoe
-nanoe string
Enabling nanoe setting but not nanoe mode > On/Off
-power string
Power > On/Off
-q Don't print status update messages
Display current status of device
-t string
TemperatureSet in Celsius, supports 1 decimal > 22.5