- set the flag GENERATE in parse_data.sh to true
- if parsing wackpedia data, set proper VOCAB_SIZE, DOC_LIMIT
- if generating toy data, set the parameter for python script create_synthetic.py for example, python scripts/create_synthetic.py toy/toy 20 10 toy/toy is the desired prefix of the data 20 is the document limit 10 is the average number of words per document
- do make sure there are no empty docuemnt/tokens in the .doc files, this would cause a parsing error.
Attention: if you are running the code in local mode, you probably need to set model_name to proper value in syntop_mapper.cpp and syntop_reducer.cpp, i.e., params->set_model_name(DIRECTORY)
set the flag LOCAL in command.sh to true
select the dataset you want to use, and then select the parameters. DATASET="wackypedia" VOCAB_SIZE=5050 DOC_LIMIT=983
DATASET="test_data" (this is probably the best synthetic data we could work on) VOCAB_SIZE=45 DOC_LIMIT=500
open cli and type in command "bash command.sh"
syntop output will be saved to output*.txt
model will be saved to DATASET_param folder