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Toolkit for bioinformatic calculations with peptides on Apache Spark

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Peptide toolkit

This is a toolkit for bioinformatical calculations with peptides (short proteins/amino acid sequences) on Apache Spark.


  • Estimation of binding affinities (IC50 value) between peptides and human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes
  • Generation of all possible peptides with given length
  • Inter-peptide distance calculation using PAM/BLOSUM substitution matrices
  • Clustering of peptides using k-medoids algorithm
  • Clustering of (generated) peptide set around given cluster centers set (of real-world peptides)


3rd-party code included or used

  • PSSMHCpan-1.0 : a toolkit for estimation of peptide binding affinities.
    It includes an amount of pre-calculated weight matrices (one for each HLA allele to peptide length pair) and a Perl script for binding affinity estimation.
    Original Perl code from this toolkit was rewritten in Java for Spark.
    One sample weight matrix (for HLA-A0201 allele and 9-meer peptides) is included into this package, the rest should be copied into the working tree from the original PSSMHCpan package as needed.
    Available on
  • NW-align : Java implementation of Needleman-Wunsch global alignment, included (slightly modified) for benchmarking and comparison purposes only.
    Available on
  • BLOSUM and PAM amino acid substitution matrices : reference matrices from NCBI are hardcoded.
    Available on


In clustering applications, similarity Sab between peptides A and B, using substitution matrix M, is calculated as following :

Sab = 2*SCab/(SCaa + SCbb), where  
SCxy = sum(M(x[i],y[i])), where  
M(k,n) is a substitution matrix value for amino acids k and n, where  
x[i] is the amino acid in peptide x in position i  


  • Netbeans 8.2 IDE
  • Java 1.8.0
  • executed under Windows 7 x64 and various Linux distributions (Ubuntu 14, CentOs 6 and AltLinux 7.0.5)


  • Start Apache Spark master and worker(s) processes
  • Submit Spark task :

spark-submit --class <org.package.MainClassName> --master spark://master_hostname:7077 <package_filename.jar> [Config.xml]

  • For peptide generation, class name is org.PSSMHC.PSSMHCSpark and package filename is PSSMHCpan-1.0.jar
  • For clustering around given centers, class name is org.PeptideClustering.AssignBindersToClusters and package filename is peptide-clustering-1.0.jar
  • For k-medoids clustering, class name is org.PeptideClustering.PeptideClusteringMain and package filename is peptide-clustering-1.0.jar

Default config filename is PeptideCfg.xml in current directory.
Configuration is explained in xml comments to the sample config file \PSSMHCpan\src\main\resources\PeptideCfg.xml

So, example command line is :

spark-submit --class org.PSSMHC.PSSMHCSpark --master spark://master_hostname:7077 PSSMHCpan-1.0.jar

Output :

Running each of Spark applications will produce

  • some logging in stdout

  • depending on xml configuration, some datasets (Spark RDDs saved as text) in output-* folders in Spark work directory.
    In Spark standalone mode, stdout is written the command line windows where you've executed spark-submit, and Spark working directory is your current directory.

    • Peptide generation produces the folder output-pssmhc containing a gzip-ed set of binder peptides, formatted as :
      <peptide>, <binding affinity>
    • Clustering around given centers produces folders
    • output-centers containing a set of binder cluster centers (format described above)
    • output-clusters containing the cluster elements, formatted as :
      (<center peptide>,[<element peptide 1>,<binding affinity 1>, ..., <element peptide N>,<binding affinity N>])
    • K-medoids clustering only logs the solution into stdout in following format :
Medoid : <center peptide> totalSim <sum of similarities between center and elements> avgSim <average similarity between center and elements>  
       Element : <element peptide 1> <binding affinity 1>  
       Element : <element peptide N> <binding affinity N>  


Toolkit for bioinformatic calculations with peptides on Apache Spark







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