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This is the official paper implementation of our ECCV 2022 paper, Combining Internal and External Constraints for Unrolling Shutter in Videos
Clone the Repo:
git clone
cd VideoRollingShutter
Running our code requires setting up 2 environments:
- VideoRS_env - Our main environment.
In order to create VideoRS_env, please run the following commands:conda env create -f VideoRS_env.yml
- DAIN_env - An environment capable of running DAIN.
In order to create DAIN_env, please follow the instructions here.
The fast and preferred method of downloading the dataset is from our website using the following commands:
rm -f
A slow alternative is to create the dataset from scratch using the following script:
For this, you will need DAIN_env to also have the ffmpeg package (We ran with ffmpeg=5.0.1).
In addition, you need to place the path for the DAIN_env python path (for e.g.: path/.conda/envs/DAIN_env/bin/python) in the script, under DAIN_env_python_path.
The script is configurable and enables downloading a subset/different videos, as well as creating different RS difficulty levels (see paper).
NOTE - We shot the "Spinners" video using our own camera, therefore it is not downloadable from youtube and is accessable only through our website.
The dataset would be placed under ./In-the-wild-RS folder.
The code is composed of two separate scripts. This is so in order to both emphasize the plug-and-play nature of the temporal-interpolation module in our pipeline, and to allow for different python environments for the external temporal-interpolation code and our code for easier setup. The two scripts that need to be run sequentially are:
- - This part is the plug-and-play external temporal interpolation (TI) algorithm, detailed in section 4.1 in the paper. Here we use (as in the paper) - DAIN [citation below]. This script is to be run with DAIN_env.
- - This part is our written algorithm GS "sampling", MergeNet and the xt-optimization (detailed in section 4 in the paper). This code is to be run with VideoRS_env.
In order to run the entire code:
conda activate DAIN_env
conda deactivate
conda activate VideoRS_env
This will run the code with default configuration, as used to produce the results in the paper.
There are many tunable parameters. config.json sets the default values we used in our experiments.
Below are the main configuration parameters to change:
- working_dir - output location. Saves "frozen" code version and results of the VideoRS algorithm.
- input_RS_folder - input folder for multiple directories of RS frames. For instance: input_RS_folder/vid1/{001.png, 002.png,...}, input_RS_folder/vid2/{001.png, 002.png,...}
- input_in_name - string that is in the RS frames' names. Enables using datasets that have RS and GS together in the same folder.
- cleanup_during_run - if 'true' - will delete intermediary results, and save only the final ones. Recommended for memory reasons.
- MergeNet_config/loading_model/checkpoint - path to trained MergeNet model. If provided - evals MergeNet using this ckpt instead of retraining MergeNet. Default network provided - The network trained on Carla-RS, as detailed in paper.
Below are sample comparisons of our results vs. the SotA competitors.
RS input, GS-reconstructions and residual misliagnments are shown. Please press play.
For all the videos and results please see project page.
Please cite the following papers:
title={Combining Internal and External Constraints for Unrolling Shutter in Videos},
author={Naor, Eyal and Antebi, Itai and Bagon, Shai and Irani, Michal},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
title={Depth-aware video frame interpolation},
author={Bao, Wenbo and Lai, Wei-Sheng and Ma, Chao and Zhang, Xiaoyun and Gao, Zhiyong and Yang, Ming-Hsuan},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},