Extensivepro Future Service 2nd
Base on loopback system. Use by employe.
$ npm install
$ npm start
- ✔️ Register owner of merchant by masterPhone and validate by sms, anyone can do.
- ✔️ Create merchant by owner user, masterPhone as contact phone of merchant.
- ✔️ Automatic create a shop which belong to merchant.
- ✔️ Add new employe for shop, realm is masterPhone, username is employePhone.
- ✔️ Login as employe.
- ✔️ Add new member for merchant and account meanwhile.
- ✔️ Accumulate point for member.
- ✔️ Exchange gift by points.
Decrease point manual.- ✔️ Perpay amount into account.
- ✔️ Decrease amount of account manual.