This library is a PHP 5.4 implementation of the Discogs API v2.0. The Discogs API is a REST-based interface. By using this library you don't have to worry about communicating with the API: all the hard work has already be done.
This API is build upon the shoulders of a giant: Guzzle 4.0. This is an absolutely awesome library.
This library is released under the MIT license. See the complete license in the LICENSE file.
Start by installing composer. Next do:
$ composer require ricbra/php-discogs-api
PHP >=5.4.0
Creating a new instance is as simple as:
$client = Discogs\ClientFactory::factory([]);
Discogs requires that you supply a User-Agent. You can do this easily:
$client = Discogs\ClientFactory::factory([
'defaults' => [
'headers' => ['User-Agent' => 'your-app-name/0.1 +'],
Discogs doesn't like it when you hit their API at a too high connection rate. Use the ThrottleSubscriber
prevent getting errors or banned:
$client = Discogs\ClientFactory::factory();
$client->getHttpClient()->getEmitter()->attach(new Discogs\Subscriber\ThrottleSubscriber());
There are a lot of endpoints which require OAuth. Lucky for you using Guzzle this is peanuts. If you're having trouble obtaining the token and token_secret, please check out my example implementation.
$client = Discogs\ClientFactory::factory([]);
$oauth = new GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Oauth\Oauth1([
'consumer_key' => $consumerKey, // from Discogs developer page
'consumer_secret' => $consumerSecret, // from Discogs developer page
'token' => $token['oauth_token'], // get this using a OAuth library
'token_secret' => $token['oauth_token_secret'] // get this using a OAuth library
$response = $client->search([
'q' => 'searchstring'
Another cool plugin is the History plugin:
$client = Discogs\ClientFactory::factory([]);
$history = new GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\History();
$response = $client->search([
'q' => 'searchstring'
foreach ($history as $row) {
print (string) $row['request'];
print (string) $row['response'];
For more information about Guzzle and its plugins checkout the docs.
Per august 2014 a signed OAuth request is required for this endpoint.
$response = $client->search([
'q' => 'Meagashira'
// Loop through results
foreach ($response['results'] as $result) {
// Pagination data
// Dump all data
$label = $service->getLabel([
'id' => 1
$artist = $service->getArtist([
'id' => 1
$release = $service->getRelease([
'id' => 1
echo $release['title']."\n";
$master = $service->getMaster([
'id' => 1
echo $master['title']."\n";
Further documentation can be found at the Discogs API v2.0 Documentation.
Implemented a missing call? PR's are welcome!