This repository contains Workshop Materials for TBD.
This section contains hints for the setup of new workshop materials. It can be deleted once the initial setup has been completed.
- Update license information
- Update dummy config
- Update dummy home page text
- Update dummy subject
- Add legal text to imprint
- Replace all occurences of the placeholder "TBD"
- Create publish script or GitHub Action
- What should be in the
? - Optional: Update reveal.js in upstream Hugo theme.
Here is an example how a
script might look like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
rsync -r public/* [email protected]:example-workshop
rsync -r public/.htaccess [email protected]:example-workshop
If the workshop materials should be in a public repository and hosted by GitHub Pages, then they can be automatically published after each commit with the help of GitHub Actions.
Refer to for instructions how to setup a GitHub Action for the Hugo-based workshop materials.
This template repository is licensed under the CreativeCommons Zero license.
Use the following command to clone the repository:
git clone --recurse [email protected]:${ORG}/${REPO}.git
To a development server that always re-renders after every change, run the following command:
hugo server
To generate the HTML for publication, run the following command:
hugo --destination docs/
Tutorials provide the use with a step-by-step guide for a complex scenario. The content can be created using Markdown syntax.
Run the following command to add a new presentation in the content
hugo new --kind tutorial subject-two/my-tutorial
Articles provide a free-text page for guides for simple scenarios. The content can be created using Markdown syntax.
Run the following command to add a new article in the content
hugo new --kind article subject-two/my-tutorial
Presentations provide slides for a high-level overview over a topic. The content can be created using plain HTML with the reveal.js syntax.
Run the following command to add a new presentation in the content
hugo new --kind presentation subject-two/my-presentation
Along with the Markdown syntax, you can use the following custom Hugo shortcodes:
{{< info >}}
Lorem [impsum]( dolor sit amet.
{{< /info >}}
{{< tip >}}
Lorem [impsum]( dolor sit amet.
{{< /tip >}}
{{< warning >}}
Lorem [impsum]( dolor sit amet.
{{< /warning >}}
{{< bootstrap-table table_class="table table-bordered" >}}
| Key | Value |
| `content-type` | `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` |
{{< /bootstrap-table >}}
Usually, while working on the contents of a workshop, it turns out that the theme needs some improvements. Follow those steps in a workshop repository, to get started with improving the theme.
cd themes/workshop-materials
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:experimental-software/workshop-materials.git
git fetch origin
git checkout master
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master
git submodule update --remote
git add .
git commit -m "Update theme"
git push