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This small bundle is meant to run the following steps, if the cache is cleaned and warmed up (optional):

  • npm install
  • bower install
  • grunt dev


Add $bundles[] = new Exozet\GruntBundle\ExozetGruntBundle() to your AppKernel.php (in the dev-if-block).

If you have a package.json, bower.json and Gruntfile.js in your project, add the bundle to your project.

As soon a you call

$ app/console c:c

and the steps by grunt will be executed.


# Default configuration for extension with alias: "exozet_grunt"

    # The environments where the bundle should be executed
    environments:         # Required

        # Default:
        - dev

    # Use binaries with the following environment vars (key/value pairs)
    binary_env_vars:      # Example: LANG:    en_US.UTF-8 for LANG="en_US.UTF-8"

        LANG:                 en_US.UTF-8

    # The binary path where npm is located
    npm_binary_path:      npm # Example: /usr/bin/npm

    # The binary path where bower is located
    bower_binary_path:    bower # Example: /usr/bin/bower

    # The binary path where grunt is located
    grunt_binary_path:    grunt # Example: /usr/bin/grunt

    # The grunt task which should be executed
    grunt_task:           dev # Example: dev

This default configuration will run the dev task ONLY in dev environment. The LANG environment variable is e.g. required for compass.


Copyright 2014 by Exozet and licensed under MIT License.