Wrap this module around your kind of viewable components, and it's scrollbar will automately disappear, and appear when you move your scroll position. It can only supports non-FireFox browsers because I have no found the way to hide a basically given scrollbar's css style.
import Scrollable from 'hide-scrollbar-react';
You don't have to import Scrollable exactly, but import WhatDoYouWantToName because 'hide-scrollbar-react' exports only one "default". in render( ) method
<!-- container's height should be '100%' or ensure that containers doesn't scroll area so 'hide-scrollbar-react' will has it's own scroll, I recommend give height: 100vh; attribute to owner of rendering 'hide-scrollbar-react' -->
<!-- what do you want to -->
<!-- no matter it has scroll or no-scroll -->
<!-- It does not support firefox -->
<!-- It does not support scroll-x, only scroll-y -->